I Hate You

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"Look." Kylo slumped down next to you at the piano, his voice a little less cold than the last time you'd been there. It had been a few days since the name incident, and you hadn't brought it up again--half hoping that he'd forgotten that it ever happened. But you knew that wasn't true, his air hardened and detached when you were around him now. 

He threw a newspaper down over the keys, glancing over at you as you tentatively picked it up, the flimsy material bending between your fingertips. You glanced down at it, scanning across the headline, written in bold white font. But as soon as you did, your stomach dropped. 

The Princess--Unable to Give A Speech, Much Less Run A Kingdom. Will She Ever Be Fit To Rule?

You read it over and over again, the words swimming through your mind as humiliation started to sink deeper into your bones with each passing moment. Your eyes were glued to the cover, refusing to rip away as you felt Kylo slowly slide closer to you on the bench, a light chuckle escaping past his lips. Anger instantly exploded through you as he laughed. He still thought this was funny? Fuming, you whipped your head towards him, glaring with daggers for eyes. You blood boiled angrily as you sucked in a deep breath. 

"Do you really still think this is a joke?" You seethed, your teeth bared.

"No." He lied with little effort, a smirk still on his lips. That only made you angrier, your mind a fuzz of humiliation and fury for what he'd done to you. And to think, you'd felt the need to apologize to him just days before for something so much less horrible--even after he still hadn't expressed any remorse for torturing you in front of a million people. 

Before you could even think of what you were doing, your hand was raised. And in the blink of an eye, your palm had connected with the side of his face in a loud smack, your skin tingling as you both froze, staring at each other with wide eyes. You were trembling, enraged huffs spilling from your lips as you sat there, your hand still held out in the air in front of you.

He was stunned, you could tell. It didn't even seem like he was breathing as he stared at you--his face completely blank in pure shock. You couldn't really process what you'd just done either, your mind still too clouded with fury to think clearly. But before he had a chance to recover from the blow, his cheek turning pink from where you'd hit him, you stood up abruptly, shoving the bench back as it screeched against the ground. You shook your head as you glared down at him, his eyes following you as you crumpled the magazine in your hand, chucking it at him and turning to walk away. 

You could feel hot tears starting to well in the corners of your eyes, the humiliation overwhelming your senses. But just as you were about to reach the doorway, a hand wrapped around you arm, yanking you backwards. You whipped around, seething as Kylo stared down at you, his eyes now flashing with fury. 

"Let me go." You hissed in a whisper, your voice quivering. 

"No." He yanked you again, back towards the piano, but you fought against him, growling angrily as you ripped your arm from his grasp. You stumbled backwards, toppling to the floor as the tears now started to pour down your cheeks like a river. You laid there, sobbing pathetically as Kylo stared down at you in silence, his chest heaving. But eventually, you sucked in a pained gasp, glaring up at him with glassy, red eyes. 

"You humiliated me," You choked, your words coming out strangled. "And you're not even sorry." He didn't respond. "All my life," You gasped, "I've tried so, so hard to be fucking perfect. And I never am. I thought that maybe, for once, I'd be able to do something right--that I'd be able to make someone believe that I had something under control. But you ruined that--don't you see? You're a selfish asshole."

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