He'll Come Back

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You woke up to the sound of beeping hospital machines, your eyes fluttering open to the sight of an empty white room. An IV filled with clear fluid was running into your arm, and you touched at it lightly, your arms feeling weak as you raised them. You were laying under thick cream colored sheets, and clothed in the same thin gown that they'd put on Kylo before. 


Your heart snapped painfully at the thought of him, and his stinging words immediately returned to your memory. 

"Leave..." It echoed like a broken record through your head, and you winced, sinking down into the mattress. 

And then the rest of the memories came back, like a dam bursting and flooding the land below it. And each one was more painful than the last, making you wish that you could just slip back into the darkness and fall asleep. Maybe then you'd be able to forget. 

But before you could close your eyes again, the door to your room swung open, and a nurse walked inside with a man, dressed in a white lab coat. The doctor, you assumed. They made their way over to your bedside, and paused there, clipboards in hand. 

"I'm glad you're awake." The doctor smiled warmly, "How are you feeling?" You considered the question. Emotionally? Worse than you'd ever felt before. But physically, aside from the throbbing pain in your head from where you'd hit the ground, fine. 

"Okay." You said shortly, sitting up against the propped up mattress. 

"Good." He sighed, setting down the clipboard at the end of the bed and moving towards you. "So," He began, grabbing a stethoscope from around his neck and moving it towards you. He leaned froward, pressing it against your chest and listening to your heartbeat. "Your bloodwork tells me that you're about eight weeks pregnant. That's exciting, you should start showing pretty soon." Your stomach did a flip. That was further along than you'd expected. 


"Mhm." The doctor nodded, moving away and grabbing his clipboard again. "That could have been why you fainted. Or it could have been caused by stress and dehydration. Have you been stressed lately?"


"I wouldn't be concerned about the fainting." He glanced up at you, "It happens sometimes during the first trimester. But I would try to keep those stress levels down. It's not good for the baby."

"Oh, okay." You nodded, not knowing how you'd possibly achieve that. Not with how things were going. 

"Do you want to have a look?" The doctor set down his clipboard again, crossing his arms, "At the baby, I mean. We can do an ultrasound."

"Oh..." Your initial instinct was to say no. You weren't sure that you were ready for that. But as you considered it more, you found a little part of yourself wanting to do it. And another part of yourself wishing that Kylo were there to experience it with you. But he wasn't. "Yes, I'd like that." You nodded, smiling weakly. You weren't sure if it was a good idea. It was all starting to feel a little too real for your liking. 

But as the doctor helped you out of bed and down the hall with your IV bag in tow, into a much darker room with a small, leaned back chair for you to sit in, you couldn't turn back. A screen switched on next to you, and you looked towards it as the doctor leaned forward, lifting up your gown and squirting cold gel onto your abdomen. You flinched, but he just chuckled, grabbing a probe-like stick from the side of the ultrasound machine and pressing it against your stomach. 

He moved it around slowly, an image beginning to appear on the screen as you squinted at it. But you didn't hear anything. Weren't you supposed to hear a heartbeat?

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