I Love You

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Planning the funeral was the only thing that kept you sane--and distracted, for the next week or so. You tried not to think about it--to pretend that it wasn't a reality. Because you didn't want it to be. 

One day, you would have loved to have children with Kylo. To build a family with him and spend the rest of your lives together. But not now. There was so much in the way. 

You had no idea how far along you were. Probably only a few weeks, you guessed. But who knew. 

And you hadn't told anyone yet. Not even Rey, who you'd been avoiding for the last few days--ducking into random rooms when you saw her walking down the hallway towards you. And you absolutely couldn't tell Kylo. Not yet at least. You had a sinking suspicion that he wasn't going to react well. Maybe you were wrong--but you doubted it. 

You were sitting by Kylo's bedside a few days after you found out, your brain fogged over in worried thought as a nurse worked carefully at his popped stitches. He winced every time the needle threaded back into his skin, squeezing your hand tightly, but you barely even noticed. All you could think about was the cloud of impending doom over your head, shadowing every waking moment in dread. 

He groaned as the needle worked over his cheek, his knuckles going white from how tightly he was gripping your hand, and you finally snapped out of your daze, shaking your head and focusing your vision on him. The nurse finally finished, tying off the stitches and stepping back with a sigh. 

"Okay," She nodded, "You should be good now. But don't move around too much for the next few days or they could break again."

"I have to leave tomorrow to go to my mother's funeral," He sat up straighter, loosening his grip on your hand, "I'll be back after that, but will it be okay?"

"Yes, that's fine." The nurse picked up her equipment, holding it to her chest, "But again, try not to move too dramatically."

"I won't." He nodded, sighing and leaning back onto his pillow. The nurse turned and left without another word, closing the door behind her and leaving the two of you alone once more. Silence fell over the room, and as soon as it did, your heart started to race. You weren't aware that you were making any kind of face, but Kylo looked over at you, his brows furrowed. 

"Hey," He sat up, pulling you towards him. "You okay?"

"Yes," You lied, sliding up into his lap, "Fine."

"I'm worried about you," He muttered, pulling you to his chest as he leaned back again, "You've looked sick for the past week." It was true, you were sick. You'd thrown up every morning before Kylo had woken up, and tried your best to hide it. But you couldn't get rid of the pale tint that had fallen over your skin, morning sickness and stress mixing together in a horrible combination. 

"I told you," You shook your head, "I'm just a little nauseated."

"Hm." Kylo placed his hand at the back of your head, stroking through your hair. You wondered how long you'd be able to keep up the lie. How long would it be until you started showing? Your stomach dropped at the idea of it. You changed the subject quickly. 

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" You asked. Kylo sighed, hugging you closer.

"Sad." He muttered, "But also good. I think she would have appreciated this." You nodded. "Thank you again." He whispered, "You didn't have to do this for me."

"Of course." You smiled weakly, "Anything for you."


Of all things that could make a funeral that much more depressing--it was raining. Pouring, actually. Dark, booming clouds had rolled over the sun, casting gloomy darkness over the valley and sending a shiver up your spine. 

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