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Everyone lies, even it it's something small. Others lie to protect their loved ones only to end up getting hurt in the end


Kang Y/N's POV

The sun was already shinning brightly in the morning meaning it was time for you to wake up. "Y/N, I have to go be back later," my step brother Jaehyun called out who was getting ready to go to work. Our parents had been married for almost a year him having lost his mother in an accident while I lost my father to some woman he had been cheating with. Jaehyun's father treated us better my real father hit us everytime we got into his way. I was glad to call Jaehyun's father my father. 

"Jae what about school?" I ask him sitting down at the table to each some food. He sighs looking over at his school bag contemplating whether he wanted to go or not. "don't worry about it," he says getting slightly annoyed. Every Tuesday he ditches school for what he calls work. He never tells me what he does, but I would rather not get on his bad side. He can be pretty irritating when he's mad.

On my way to school I realized that my friends Taeyong and Mark weren't going to be at school either they had to go to 'work' too. They too didn't tell me what they were doing. I shrug it off and continued walking along my path. Not paying attention to where I was going I bumped into a tall figure who had been standing at the entrance of the school. 

"Ah sorry," I say bowing hurriedly apologizing. The man chuckles looking down at me he was tall and handsome.The woman who had been standing next to him clears her throat glaring at me as if I had done something to annoy her. "Well since you caused us some trouble please take us to the office," she says linking her arms to the tall boy who I assumed was her son in such a demanding tone. 

I nod feeling embarrassed for what had just happened and lead them inside the school, "My name is Lucas Wong, and you are Kang Y/N?" he says looking at my name tag that was perfectly placed on my vest. "It's Yukhei," his mother says correcting him but only to receive a chuckle from him. From the looks of it seemed like they were from a rich family. 

We arrive at the office, "Here we are bye," I tell Lucas and his mother who didn't spare a look. As I leave Lucas runs back to me holding his hand out for me to shake it. "Let's be friends" he says smiling. I couldn't help but smile back at him, he was just so charming hopefully I dind't embarrass myself enough. 

I walk into the class after escorting Lucas and his mother, "Y/N who was that cute guy?" my friend Ji eun asks walking into class behind me having seen everything. "His name is Lucas and he is new here" I tell her everything I know. "if you saw why didn't you back me up," she only giggles sitting in her seat shrugging her shoulders.

Soon the teacher enters with Lucas trailing after him, my mouth drops open as we both make eye contact. He lightly smiles at me and gives me a small wave before introducing himself to the class, "my name is Lucas Wong please take care of me," he says while the teacher points over at the empty seat next to mine. 

"Y/N raise your hand, Lucas sit over there," he tells him. All the girls in the class had their eyes glued to him as he made his way over to me. I felt my heart skip a beat when he looked at me with his beautiful eyes. No you don't have time to be obsessed with boys. 

When class was over Ji eun walked over to us with a playful glare to Lucas, "you took my seat," she tells Lucas jokingly. Lucas starts getting up thinking that she was serious, I pull him down giggling "she's kidding, we are going to the cafeteria wanna come," I offer getting up to go with Ji eun. He nods walking with us down the hall. 

"Kang Y/N! we have your food!" Jisung yells out waving his hands. I wave back to him making our way over to the table. "And you are?" Jaemin asks Lucas as he sits with us. Lucas chuckles "I'm new my name is Lucas," he introduces himself to our table. Ten smirks at him, "wah so the famous Lucas finally comes to school," he says acting like he's known him. 

Ji eun looks over at Ten smiling, "do you know each other?" she asks snapping Ten out of his thoughts. He shakes his head, "he just looks like someone I used to know," he says taking a bite of his food. "So Tae, Jae and Mark went to work," Yuta says. I nod looking at the empty seats, "what do they even do?" I ask them feeling hopeless. 

None of them answer me like always, Jeno stands up "lunch is over," he says walking back to class. When I ask them where they are they always find a way to answer me like I'm a little kid. Back in class when we sit down a group of girls surround us, "Lucas you should sit with us sometime," Sunmi says putting on her fake smile. Lucas chuckles, "nah I like sitting with y/n she's fun," he says making me feel flustered. 

After school Lucas walks down to the gate but stops midway looking over to something he didn't want me to see. He pulls me facing him, "thanks for making my first day of school great," he says smiling. I smile back at him letting go of his hands, "Go, I need to wait for Ji eun," I say walking back to the school. 

He nods feeling relieved, but for what "Bye y/n see you later," he says walking out of the school. Weird. It's like he didn't want me to see something, thinking about it made me feel scared for some reason. 

Lucas's POV

She can't know. No matter what she must never find out. I have to keep lying to her. 



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