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The room was dark there was nothing to see, I checked my wound it was already patched up. There was a sharp pain on my head, like if someone had hit me over the head. Mr. Lee was the one behind everything. 

No one was ever going to find me, I look down at handcuffs on my hands. Mijoo died in his hands, she didn't deserve this. So why was I still alive, when she was already dead. A door opens and the room is quickly flooded with light. 

Mr. Lee walks in dragging my mom in handcuffs, she was knocked out as well. "Mother and Daughter a perfect way to die to together," he coldly says shutting the door. Darkness and silence surround us. 

"Mom wake up," I shake her trying to wake her up, she was a beat up and bruised. She must have put up a fight but lost to him. Slowly I feel mom's hands hold mine, they were cold and I could sense the fear.  

Her sad eyes look up at mine, "I'm sorry I tried to keep you safe but I failed," she silently cries. Was she the one that had been lying to me all this time. "Mom tell me everything," I look at her deep brown eyes. 

She hesitates but then looks back at me, "There's something about your father I never told you," she starts off. "You know how he runs a business, that business is dealing with drugs and weapons, my father was also in that business so when the time came we got married and had you. Seeing your small face, I realized I didn't want this for you. So when I tried to divorced he beat me and was violent and hostile. He drank and drank didn't care about you. Then when your grandfather passed, the company became mine, I fired everyone and turned it into NEOZONE and made a special intelligent team called NCT. We track down those who do illegal business like your father and take them down. Jaehyun's dad was my first love and stood by my side. Ever since I developed NEOZONE and  NCT he's wanted revenge for destroying his life," she finishes telling me the story. 

Mom never kept anything from me, so it came to such a surprise that she told me all this. "NCT started off small but it quickly grew with my inheritance," she says holding back tears. All this was because he wanted revenge. 

Lucas worked with him, none of what he ever felt for me was real, he just wanted me to fall into his trap. I felt mom wipe away my tears, I wasn't crying because of her it was the boy I fell for. "It's okay you did it for me," I finally say after crying. 

Mom chuckles hugging me tightly, "You will be safe I promise," she softly says kissing my forehead. "Jaehyun's dad how did you meet him," the curiosity was getting the best of me. She smiles feeling embarrassed. 

"We went to high school together, and we were really close and were together all the time. Over time I developed feelings for him and eventually we dated. But my father spilt us apart and I never saw him again. By the time I hear from him, he was getting married. I was sad even though I was married too I loved him." she finishes telling me the story.  

A few minutes later the door opens, a familiar person walks in. He looked much more different than the last time we saw each other. "My look at how much my daughter has grown, too bad it's the end of the road for you both, but first let's talk" 


No one's POV

The boys stand outside the burning building, "Now what" Winwin says feeling frustrated with everything. "THE NEO building," Taeil suggests. It was y/n's mother's company whom they worked for. 

"There's no time by the time we get there she might be dead!" Kun says running into the building after they had put out the fire, luckily a neighbor had called in. Kun was hoping the computers he had stored underground had not been burnt. 

An old lady with her grandaughter came walking towards them, "Someone caused this, we saw him putting gasoline all over the place," she tells Hendery who is paying attention to every detail she is telling him in hopes of a way to find y/n and her mom. 

But sadly she didn't see if she had a girl his age with him, "Umm there was a woman sitting in the back," the girl says. That must of been Mrs. Jung. Hendery nods thanking them before making his way over to Yangyang who was looking around for anything he might of left behind.  

Luckily the computers didn't catch on fire, Taemin had no knowledge they even existed. Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Jung worked at this bakery, it was where NEOZONE was created. Mrs. Qian was already there looking at the screen with intense eyes. 

"When did you get here Mrs. Qian,?" Xiaojun says sitting down next to her looking to see what she was doing. She looks up making eye contact with Jaehyun, "you father where is he" she says getting up from the computer. 

Lucas and Taeyong sit in front taking up where she had left off, "He was shot so he's at the hospital," she nods looking over to see what Lucas and Taeyong were doing. "You should know where they are afterall you did work for that bastard," she says glaring at them. Kun was surprised to see his mother acting this way. He's never seen her this angry, not even when he got in trouble. 

Lucas clears his throat, "We were never allowed to see Mr. Kang only Taemin," he explains to her. Jisung who had now caught up to what was happening, "Guys what if they are at the place you wouldn't expect," everyone looks at each other.  

Maybe he was right, they were looking to far into this. If he had history with both of them they one place he'd want to meet is where it all began almost 20 years ago.

Kang Industries.  



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