XVII - Last Chapter

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The next day me and Ji Eun had a sleepover so we can get ready for the dance, she rolls over to me smiling, "Jungwoo is so cute isn't he," she says holding my hand pretending it's Jungwoo's. I let go of her hand, "yah let's go and eat," I tell her. 

She nods rolling out of her bed and onto the floor landing on her sister, "unnie! get off," Ji Na her little sister starts yelling. Soon they start fighting and hitting each other, I stand there in shock. I felt another hand pull me away from the room it was her older sister Jin Hee, "you do not want to be in the middle of that," she says walking me to the kitchen where the rest of her family was.  

Taemin and his family were still staying with them for the time being until he found a safe place for them to stay. "Y/N I hope Ji Eun and Ji Na weren't bothering you," her mother says placing down he food for me to eat.  

"No I'm just not used to being around a big family," I say taking a bite of the food she had made. Soon Ji Eun and Ji Na join us, "yah y/n you were supposed to help me out here," she starts scolding me. Before she continued there was a knock on the door. 

Her mom gets up, "I called Jungwoo over so he can meet your family," Ji Eun's face drops "I look like a mess eomma!," she runs back to her room. Everyone starts laughing as Jungwoo walks in, we make eye contact "she doesn't want you to see her," i say urging him to sit down in front of me. 

Ji Eun comes back with her hair up nicely and she's all cleaned up making everyone laugh. Soon she drags him out of the door, "y/n sorry!" she says leaving me behind. I look back at her family in shock, "i-i should be going then, gotta get ready for the dance," I say getting up. 

Taemin gets up as well, "I can take you home," he says getting his coat. We walk outside in silence, it was awkward for us despite that mother had forgiven him. "So are you and Lucas doing okay?" he asks out of the blue. 

"Me and Lucas? We are doing great" I smile at him. "You?" I ask him. He sweetly smiles looking up into the sky, "My first love, but I haven't seen her ever since the accident," he says as his smile fades.  "who" my curiosity starts getting the best of me. 

"Her name is Naeun we went to school together, we eventually dated but we haven't seen each other since the accident she probably thinks i'm dead," he chuckles at the last part but there was sadness in his eyes. 

Once I make it home there was a girl sitting at my porch, Taemin face was in shock "It's my old babysitter when I was a kid," I say walking over to her. "Unnie!" she smiles at me but it soon fades when she sees Taemin.  

She was crying and lets go of me, "Idiot, I thought you were dead," she runs over to hug him. Guess we knew the same Naeun, "unnie we can talk later," I say walking into my house. 


I look at myself in the mirror, my makeup and hair were all done. The purple dress I had chosen fit me nicely, now all I had to do was wait for Lucas to come and pick me up. 

So mom wouldn't tease me I decided to wait outside for him, "babe it's cold you should of waited outside," I hear him say walking up to me embracing me in a tight hug. "Let's go," he says taking my hand. 

We arrive at the dance everyone was eating or dancing already. It was already full of fun and energy. "y/n! come" Johnny pulls me over to where he and Haechan were eating. Lucas had went to go get us some food. I look over at the dance floor Jungwoo and Ji Eun were already dancing and having fun. 

While we were eating a couple of girls came to our table, "wow Lucas you really downgraded she's not even loyal to you," they glare at me before showing him a picture. It was earlier today when Taemin was walking me home. 

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