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We arrived at noon which gave us plenty of time to relax before we went to explore. It was summer break so we were going to stay for a few weeks before mom and dad went back to work. "Y/N let's head down to the beach," Ji eun says now fully energized. 

The way to the hotel was pretty far, I felt like someones eyes were on me. But there was no one looking at me. Everyone was in their own little world, "y/n?" I hear Ji eun call me holding a pair of bunny ears. 

I smile taking them from her, "Jisung and Chenle are coming with us so we can take some good pictures," she says applying makeup. She only ever did that when Jisung was coming, though he was a year younger than her she still liked him. 

The feeling of being watched came again, this time it felt like there were more people watching me waiting for me to mess something up. "Y/N Taeyong wants to take a group photo," Jaehyun called out to me forcing me to come outside to the beach. 

After the picture everyone went their separate ways leaving me and Ji Eun by ourselves. We walked along the beach taking pictures. "You know this would be pretty romantic if Jisung and Lucas were here," she suddenly says. 

"But we are here," I tease her. She walks over taking the camera. "Go let me take a picture of you," I stand and pose in the sand for her to take her pictures. When we look back at them, I freeze looking at the background. 

That feeling of being watched was true, although it was blurry I knew that person was Xiaojun. He drives the black car. They were here. Lucas was here. 

Before we could do anything two boys emerge from the shadows. "Kai Baekhyun what are you doing here!" Ji Eun asks. They smile at her not saying anything, "We came here to have fun funny bumping into you," Baekhyun starts off. 

At school they never talked to me, why were they talking now. "We bumped into Jaehyun earlier he was looking for you," Kai says staring at me not breaking eye contact. I nod walking the other way but only for Baekhyun to stop me. 

"YAH!" I look over at Ten who was calling out making his way over to us. Kai and Baekhyun were gone by the time he got there. "don't talk to them," Ten says walking me and Ji eun back to where everyone was. 

"Why?" the question slips from my mouth. Ten doesn't say anything but is now on his phone texting someone. I peeked over he was texting Baekhyun. Nothing was making sense they said one thing but did the other. 
From what they've told me so far, I can't trust what Taeyong, Mark and Ten tell me. They are the ones most suspicious. "Hey Y/N let's go eat!," Ji Eun says running over to they had set up the BQQ. I nod running along with her. 


"Didn't I tell you to take her?" "Yes but Ten stopped us saying it was too risky out here," 


Everyone was now enjoying the night campfire, that was until it started raining forcing us to run back to the hotel. But for some reason I wanted to stay out and see the rain fall, "you coming?" Mark asks walking with Jaemin.

I shake my head smiling at him, "nah i'll be there in a few," I put my hand out in the rain letting it soak. A tall figure stands in front of me, from the looks of his clothes he was out in the rain for some time. "Wow y/n we must be meant to be," Lucas chuckles standing next to me. 

For the first time I felt uneasy around him, but my heart was telling me to stay. "Why are you here" I ask him wanting for answers. "Well i would say I missed you, but my parents are here for some business," he sighs. 

"I missed you too," I confess pulling him into a hug. Startled he doesn't hug back but then quickly returns the hug. Although he was soaked from the rain it felt warm, he felt warm. We pull away walking into the hotel bidding goodbye to each other. 

Most likely we weren't going to see each other again because of my brother. Ji Eun who had waited for me in the lobby practically tackles me. "I knew you were waiting for him! I wasn't the only one you invited!" she sings out while we got to the elevator. 

"It's confusing" I tell her while we are getting ready to sleep, "why" we both lay down on the bed. "I feel like he is hiding something from me," Ji Eun nods understanding. "You know lately the boys have been acting weird, Baekhyun and Kai never talked to you while the boys always told us everything," she says. 


"Yukhei I won't wait for long," 

Next Morning

The feeling of unease woke me up, Ji Eun wasn't next to me. Which only made me worry although there was nothing for me to be worried about. Tears start streaming down my face, "Y/n are you okay?" Ji eun walks in cleaning my tears. 

I hold her hand, "I feel scared like something is going to happen," I cry harder. Ji Eun stroke my hair comforting me. The door busts open, dad and mom walk in looking around. "Why are you crying," mom says telling dad to leave. 

"Nothing just a bad dream," I tell her coldly giving Ji eun a signal not to say anything. Mom nods "We are leaving, something came up someone broke into our house," she quietly says. Ji eun and i start packing in silence, "why didn't you tell your mom," I hush her. 

"She's been acting weird too," I whisper to her. 

On our way out of the hotel we bump into Lucas and his friends, we make eye contact but don't say anything to each other. "Y/n can we talk," Lucas calls out to me but dad pulls my hand away from him. The plane ride was quiet no one said anything, Ji Eun now understood why I was so worried. They were part of the reason why. 


"Sir she got away" 

"Yukhei that was your last chance I'm coming to get her" 

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