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Lucas's POV

How was I supposed to know she was Jaehyun's sister, he had always been an only child. I looked over to her after asking her out. It was the only way for them not to touch her, she nods smiling big. 

"Okay, Saturday meet me at the park I don't want Jaehyun seeing you," she lightly says before walking back to her friends. Kai and Baekhyun come back when she leaves, "Taemin's not gonna wait figure something out," they say before walking back to their class. 

On my way, I bump into Mark and Taeyong who just share and look with me saying nothing more. Ever since I got to this school they don't want to even talk to me, forgetting about our mess with Taemin. My phone vibrates, dude we are coming. I sighed sitting down next to y/n putting my head down on the desk. 

Now they are coming, don't they trust me. 

I guess I have to keep lying to her. 

Y/N's POV 

After school Jaehyun didn't let me wait for Ji Eun, he's been acting strange since he saw me with Lucas. Speaking of Lucas on our way out we saw him getting into a black car with a few other boys. I didn't think much of it, maybe he was getting a ride from them. 

However, Jaehyun saw and quickly went on his phone leaving me behind. He always does this, cares about me, and then leaves me behind. "Noona wait for me!" I hear Renjun call out to me. We both walk along the sidewalk talking about what we were going to do over the weekend, "noona we are going to the arcade on Saturday want to come?" he asks. 

I smile at him feeling back that I had to reject his offer, "I have plans with Ji Eun," I lie I know if I tell him that I was going out with Lucas he would most likely tell Jaehyun. Renjun nods "maybe next weekend," he says turning the street saying goodbye to me. 

The same black car that we saw earlier passes by me and Jaehyun. I looked away from the car feeling uneasy as the people inside there were looking at me. "Come mom and dad are waiting for us," Jaehyun says breaking the silence between us. 

At home, mom had dinner ready but dad had gone out for work. "Jaehyun your dad wants you to call him," she says allowing Jaehyun to excuse himself from the table. This was the chance to tell mom about Lucas. 

"Mom I have a date on Saturday," I say smiling to her, she smiles back at me "tell me more what's he like," I nod. "His name is Lucas and he is so nice," I look over her smile had completely disappeared. 

She blankly stared at me searching my eyes for anything, "Lucas? sounds like a nice name," she bitterly says. "have fun then but be careful," she warns. Mom had never reacted like this, first Jaehyun, and now mom. Did she know Lucas?  

I sit down in my room, thinking about my date with Lucas. My phone vibrates an incoming call from an unknown user. Dad walks in taking the phone from me hanging it up, he sighs in relief handing it back to me. "From now on don't answer unknown numbers," he says walking out of my room. 


"Dammit they know we are after her, sir what do we do" 
"For now we wait I want to see how he will deal with this" 


Friday at school was weirder, Lucas didn't come to school but we did get new students from China. Jaehyun tried his best to prevent me from talking to them but it didn't work. "You are y/n right?"  Winwin one of the new students asks. Doyoung steps in, "no,"  making Winwin leave and join his other friends. 

Now Doyoung too, "Hey what was that for!" I cry out feeling annoyed and deceived. Mark, Ten, and Taeyong weren't at school either. There had been rumors about Lucas saying he had gotten in a fight with them. Now that Baekyun and Kai weren't at school either.

After school Ji Eun pulls me aside, "Is it me but are the boys acting weird," I nod with her agreeing. "It's not just them, Mom and Dad are acting weird too," I say. "What are you going to do about your date with Lucas," she says knowing that my parents weren't going to let me go out. 

"Tell them you are hanging out with me," she says walking the other direction. Jaehyun had already left after seeing me walking with Ji Eun. The same black car drives slowly past me, the sense of uneasiness came back. 

But this time the car had come to a stop, the door opened revealing the new students from today. "can we take you home," Kun politely asks. Before I said anything my shoulders get heavy, "I'm walking her," Taeil says wrapping his arms around my shoulder taking my bag. 

He was normally the quiet type, he never showed this side of him. Kun nods getting back into the car driving away at a fast speed. Taeil pulls away from me feeling embarrassed for what he just did. 

"Are you guys hiding something from me," I mustered up the courage to ask him. Taeil shakes his head, "Not that I know of, I just didn't want to see you get into another mans car," he says walking me home. 

Once I'm home mom walks up to me, "tomorrow, I will hang out with Ji Eun," I lied again. "Lucas?" she carefully says his name. "I canceled Ji Eun Needs me more," I say walking into the house leaving her confused.


He walked into his office visibly upset, "didn't I tell you I was going to take care of it?" he yells. The man stands up looking out the window, "then do it, you clearly needed your friends to help you," 

"If you don't I'll start with her,"



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