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Back at home Jaehyun walked in, tired as always. "Hey y/n," he says going to the kitchen to get some food. I walk over to the kitchen watching him serve some rice and kimchi, "mom and dad are coming home," he says sitting down to eat. 

I smile creeps up on my face, "let's make them something they are coming home after a month," I suggest getting the chicken that was in the fridge. He nods taking a bite of the rice and kimchi, "how about some spicy chicken with kimchi fried rice," he says suggesting mom and dad's favorite foods.  

We both nod standing up to prepare the food, I look over at his phone that was ringing, "Yukhei?" I think to myself after that name sounded familiar. But at the time I didn't think much of it being too happy that our parents were coming back after so long.

Jaehyun quickly grabs the phone and locks himself in his room, he was supposed to help me. After finishing up the dinner Jaehyun comes out of his room dressed up to go somewhere, "Jae" before I said anything our parents walked through the door. Mom wrapped me in a tight hug while Dad hugged Jaehyun who then left the house to go somewhere. 

"Y/N do you know where's he's going?" Mom asks closing the door after Jaehyun had left. I shrug, "he got a call," I say sitting down so we can eat. Dad had a serious expression on his face, "Do you know who it was?" he asks. I shake my head, "No" he doesn't say anything but just nods and continues to eat. 

Mom looks over at me stroking my hair, "so did Jaehyun keep you company," I shake my head. "he ditches school every Tuesday to work," I say but they didn't seem surprised by that statement. Dad clears his throat "well I'll talk to him when he gets back," he says getting up to go to his office. 

I head back to my room to do my homework, I notice there was a number written in my book. I smile thinking about Lucas hoping it was his. I dial the number but there was no response saying that the phone was off.  


My eyes fluttered open as the lights of the kitchen were on, Jaehyun must have gotten back. But there was more than one voice. I get out of bed, I started feeling scared even if it was my own home. "We can't tell her," I hear Jaehyun whisper to another person who was around his age. Soon I realized he was talking to Johnny. Were they talking about me or another person? 

I went back to bed not wanting to get in trouble when Jaehyun gets mad it can get pretty ugly and no one wants to see that. I was surprised that Mom and Dad couldn't hear anything that was going on. 

The next morning mom was already making breakfast for us like old times, she and dad weren't planning on leaving for business anytime soon. Jaehyun was sitting down on the table getting a scolding from dad. But Jaehyun seemed unbothered by it,  dad makes eye contact with me before letting Jaehyun off the hook. 

On our way to school Jaehyun seemed distant he was on his phone, "y/n-ah," I look over at Lucas who was making his way over to us. Jaehyun looks up and freezes dropping his phone, Lucas who had seen him walks over to us, "So y/n um do you want to go for some ice cream later," Jaehyun pulls my hand away from him glaring at Lucas. 

"She won't go anywhere with you," he coldly says. Before Lucas can respond back Jaehyun pulls me into the school holding my hand tightly making it turn red. "YAH! he was just being nice," I pull away from Jaehyun. 

He shakes his head, "not him you better stay away from him," he warns walking into the school accompanying Jungwoo who had been waiting for him. Ji Eun walks over having seen everything that happened, "Is Jaehyun okay? why did he get mad," she says pouting. 

We look over at Lucas who was walking by himself, he was on the phone talking to someone in mandarin. From his facial expression it was something serious, was he hiding something? was that the reason Jaehyun freaked out so much? 

Lucas Wong just who are you. 


During class Mark and Taeyong were also back from the looks of it they weren't happy that Lucas was talking to me. Lucas, on the other hand, seemed more quiet and distant than he was yesterday. After the incident with Jaehyun in the morning, he didn't talk to me anymore unless it was something related to the class.   

When the bell rang before I had the chance to tell Lucas to join us for lunch he was already gone. Haechan walked over, "let's get food before there's nothing left," he says pulling me along with him.  

I couldn't help but think about Lucas and where he was, Ji Eun takes a bite of my food "earth to y/n you okay you seem spaced out," she says getting Jaehyun's attention. I smile weakly at her getting up from my seat, "eat the rest I need to go to the bathroom," I lie walking off to go and look for Lucas. 

The roof is where people who want to be alone normally go, I was right Lucas was sitting there looking out in the sky thinking deeply about something. Before I said anything to him two other boys approached him, they were whispering something to him. 

A smirk appeared on Lucas's face, I walk over startling the other two boys. "Um did you hear anything?" Kai one of the boys says freaking out. I shake my head, "Just got here," Lucas pulls me away from the two boys signaling them to go away. 

He smiles at me, "so why did you come here?" he says looking out. I sit down next to him sighing "I was worried about you, Jaehyun was mean," I say feeling bad since Jaehyun may have hurt his feelings. Lucas chuckles, "Is he your boy-" before he says anything I stop him. "Brother, stepbrother," I tell him.  

His facial expression looks shocked, "Y/N do you wanna go out?" 



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