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At the hospital they wouldn't let us see him, they did say he was in critical condition after all he was shot in a vital spot. I watched people come and go out of the hospital but still no news of him. And worst mom still hadn't woken up either. 

I looked over at Xiaojun who had come with me he was starting to fall asleep, it was past midnight there was almost no one at the hospital. I closed my eyes drifting to sleep. The only thing I could do was hope for the best.


The sun from the outside was hitting my face, my eyes met with Jaehyun his face was full of concern. "Gosh you really stayed all night," he says sitting down next to me sighing. I looked over at Xiaojun he was still sleeping. "The doctors came while you were sleeping, and he's stable now just resting," he explained. 

Immediately I asked the nurse where his room was located, he was sleeping peacefully. He looked pale, carefully I caressed his face. I felt his warm hand touch mine as he weakly opened his eyes. "You didn't think I was going to leave you like this," he weakly says holding my hand tightly. 

That's when I start crying like a baby in front of him, "baby don't cry i'm okay," he says reaching over to wipe my tears. I'm so in love with you Lucas. 

The door opens and it's the lady I met the first time me and Lucas met. She glares at Lucas she was not happy to see him laying down in a hospital bed. "Yukhei! I told you to stay away from that man and yet you didn't listen to me," she starts scolding him.  

Lucas however stays silent, "Yukhei are you listening to me! why did you go when it was none of your business," after a moment of silence Lucas looks up at her. "Love. I couldn't let someone I love be in danger because of that man," her eyes dart in anger towards me. 

She scoffs, "Love? what a foolish thing to say. Love does not make you money or your future. When you get out we are going back to chi-" Lucas interrupts her. "No, I like it here. You are wrong because you forgot what it means to be loved," he says turning his head away from his mother. 

Taeyong walks into the room, "Mrs Wong please leave he doesn't want to see you," he says walking her out of the room. Lucas stares back at me, he was blushing out of embarrassment, "Sorry you had to me my mom like that," he shyly says covering his face. 

"We came to korea to check on my father's business here but then I got into that accident. I switched schools so Taemin won't find me," he reveals to me what he and his mother were doing that day at school. 

"Noona your mom woke up," Jisung says from the door, Lucas smiles urging me to go and see her. "I'll be back," I happily say walking out of the room to see my mom. 

Once in the room through the window I see mom staring out the window deep in thought. She must of been worried about me. I open the door to see her, "my baby did he hurt you," she says. I shake my hand putting her hand to my face. "No, he's in jail now we are safe," I tell her kissing her hand.  

I look towards the door thinking about Lucas, "go to him, give him my thanks," mom softly says. I exit the room on my way to see Lucas when I bump into someone wearing all black and a cap. "Sorry," i softly say he hides his face and quickly walks away from me. 

Thinking about it I walk into Lucas's room bumping into Mark who was talking to Lucas about something. "Y/N you okay?" Mark says holding me so I wouldn't fall. I look at him "there was someone, it seemed like he knew me," I say thinking hard. 

"He's already here," Lucas tells Mark. I look over at them in concern "who's here," I ask walking over to lock the door. "You said you weren't going to lie to me anymore," Lucas looks down nodding. Was it something bad that he didn't want to tell me. 

"My brother, I'm guessing mom told him so he may want to force me to go back to China with the WAYV boys," he says. Was he the person I saw earlier. "But he's here for you not me," Lucas says looking up at me.

It was such a surprise his brother didn't even know me, "Mom gets what she wants," We hear the door bust open. Mark shields me away from the mysterious person, "Brother get out!" Lucas yells, pushing the button to call the nurse. 

His brother scowls glaring at him, "Let me talk to your girlfriend and i'll leave," he says pulling me away from Mark.  I blushed when I was refereed to his girlfriend, it felt so unreal. His brother takes me to a corner in the hospital.

"So this is the one he loves," he says touching my face. I take a step back from him, "well sorry didn't mean to scare you," he deeply says. "Lucas worries for nothing," he says chuckling. 

"I just wanted to tell you that mother gave you her blessing, when she found out you are the next heir for NEOZONE tech," he says handing me a number. It made me smile, his mom approved of us being together although it was only for money. He reaches for something in his pocket, it was a ring. "It was my mother's promise ring that our dad gave to her, she wants you to have it," he says putting it in my hand.

"She told me to apologize," he says bowing before walking off out of the hospital. As I watched him leave Jaemin popped his head out in front of me, "yah everyone's looking for you," he starts scolding me dragging me back to where Lucas was. 

I walked into the room and wrapped my arms around Lucas's neck pecking his lips. He smiles hugging me back I could tell his worries disappeared. "you look happy did something happen," he asks in between pecks. 

I pull away showing him his mothers phone number and her ring. He smiles sliding it into my finger. "Guess he was sent to give you this," he lightly says kissing my hand.

Finally we were all at peace away from the threat. 



Wow this story is slowly coming to an end. 

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