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They all looked at each other, Kang Industries the place where everything all began. Mrs. Qian nods handing a piece of paper to Kun. "Half of you go to NEOZONE, and tell the person at the front desk NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY," she says packing some things. 

Lucas nods handing them to NCT Dream, "and where are you going," she looks up at him. "China, my work here is done," she says hugging Kun on her way out. Once she leaves everyone starts thinking of a plan. 

The thing that worried them the most was of the chance that y/n was actually at the company. "Dream and I are going to NEOZONE," Mark says preparing a car for them. "We will tell you guys what's in there," Jaemin says getting into the car. They were all confused as to what NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY was. However, they knew it stood for NCT but Mrs. Jung never told them about it. "Be careful and tell us when you find out," Yuta says closing the doors. 

Now it was time to decide who went to the building, "WAYV stays here, we can be your intel communicators we know the best on computers and we can guide you," Ten says. Lucas wanted to go but it had been decided. 

Johnny nods putting a gun in his coat, "Lucas come with us we are a few members short," he says handing Haechan's gun to him. "and we need info on this guy," Jungwoo pats his back. On their way there Lucas explained the history with Mr. Kang and y/n and how he mentally and physically abused them for years. 

He never wanted Mrs. Jung to find out he joined WAYV as a way to get closer to y/n. They arrive at the big tall building, "hope she's here," Doyoung whispers. All they needed was a way in. 


They arrived at the company, Chenle approached the secretary "NEO CULTURE TECHNOLOGY," those three words the secretary nodded handing them a key card. Basement 4, a secret floor no one was aware of. "The elevator is in her office," she says bowing down to them. 

The elevator opened to the basement, there were computers looking out at the entire city. Kang Industries being the main one. 


N E O C U L T U R E T E C H. > Password Accepted. 

"She's been preparing for this," Renjun says looking at the screens. "There's an inside map of the building," Jeno points out. Haechan sits at the computer looking at it, in his eyes something looked off. 

"Zoom in on that staircase, it's going down when there's nothing there," he tells Renjun. He was right the staircase had now revealed a few secret underground rooms. Probably where y/n and her mother were being held captive. 

Quickly grabbing the phone to tell the others they found them, "Guys they are in an underground room no one knows about, head to the elevators and click the emergency button," Jisung tells the boys.  

While Jisung made the phone call Mark was sending a layout of the map to WAYV. Now that they had access to the computers WAYV was on their way to assist team NCT127.

Now all they had to do was hope for their safe return. Hopefully, they weren't too late.

Back to the others

Taeyong had spread the message to the others, so far they had no idea how to get in. The place was heavily guarded by security they knew they would eventually come looking for y/n. Before thinking of a plan they see Ji Eun standing on the other side of the street looking at Kang Industries. 

Jaehyun gets out of the car making his way over to her, "Ji Eun what are you doing here!" Ji eun looks up at his startled. "Mrs. Jung sent me a message saying, the person who mentally destroyed y/n, and when I found out both of them were kidnapped I knew what she meant," she says showing him her phone. 

A plan formed in his head, it was risky but it was the only chance they had at getting inside. He walked JI eun inside the van, where they were all waiting. "Why is she here, she doesn't know," Lucas says glaring at Jaehyun. 

Jaehyun scoffs at his reaction but before he said anything Ji eun interrupted, "I may not know but my best friend is in there," she sassily says. Everyone falls silent, but Johnny silently giggles. 
"No one in the company knows her, so she can say she is a highschool student looking for an internship once she is in there she pulls the fire alarm. And as everyone goes inside we sneak in," Jaehyun reveals the plan for everyone.  

The plan was dangerous but it was all they had, "Mark found a hidden exit in the basement so we can exit from there," Yuta says loading his gun. "Ji Eun once you pull the alarm get out and leave this to us," Jungwoo says patting her head making her heart flutter.  

"Winwin just called saying they will turn off the cameras and cause a blackout," Lucas tells the group getting off the phone. 

Her heart was racing as she went inside the building, she walked up to the secretary smiling. "Hello I'm a senior at school and I was looking for some work experience," she says showing them her student card.  

The secretary nods at her, "you sure you want to internship here?" Ji Eun plays wither fingers. "I don't know what Kang industries do but you are a top company," she explains. "Okay walk this way turn to the left," she nods. 

Once she was by herself she looked at the first fire alarm, she pulled it. 

Everyone was running and panicking, Ji Eun smiled over to the boys who were sneaking in to go and rescue her best friend. Jungwoo ran up to her, hugging her tightly he pulled away "Go back to the van Doyoung will be there ready to drive away," he says running towards the elevator. Ji Eun was glad he didn't notice her bright red face.

Ji Eun looked over at the company, "y/n please come back to me safe and sound," 


"Sir they found us make this quick," 

"Guess you guys have to die sooner," 




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