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A few days later ...

Lucas was finally getting out of the hospital, I was at the entrance waiting for him with Yuta and Johnny. I saw Lucas coming out, I ran over to him giving him a big hug. I hadn't seen him since his brother came it was because I had to go back to school. 

"Babe I missed you," he says kissing the crook of my neck. Although it had only been a few days we missed each other like crazy. Hand in hand we walk towards the car to go to my mother's company to file the case. 

Father was found guilty and his company went down and everyone lost their jobs. "Babe after this we should go on a date and be like a normal couple now," he says kissing my head. Happily, I nod hugging his arm. 

A couple of minutes later we arrived at the company, everyone was already waiting for us. "Lucas Mrs. Jung will be in her office," Johnny says leading him to my mom's office. Yuta and I walk over to the rest of the boys who were playing games and goofing around. 

"Y / n! You can come," Ten says walking over hugging me. He felt pretty bad about working with Taemin and his organization that was called Super M. Mom was currently working with Taemin to make his group like WAYV but they would expand to America instead. 

It was the beginning of winter the first snow was starting to fall since it was getting pretty late the boys started leaving. "I'll wait for Lucas," Jaehyun nods walking out of the company. A tall handsome man sits down next to me. 

"it's my first time seeing you here," I hear him tell me. I look up at him "ah yeah I don't come here often," I say looking back at my phone. But he kept wanting to make a conversation, "My name is Minghao I will internship here during the summer," he says. I extend my hand over to shake it, "I'm y / n," he chuckles. "The CEOs daughter," he says. 

I couldn't help but smile back at him, time went by quickly. Minghao started getting up, "well it's time for my meeting with CEO Jung," he says handing me a paper with his number on it. Before I had the chance of looking at the number I felt someone take it from me. 

"Man everyone wants to talk to my girl," Lucas says putting the number in his pocket. "how long have you been there," I asked taking his hand leading him outside. He thinks for a second making me wait, "since he sat next to you," he says. 

I slap his arm lightly, "well do you know how uncomfortable I was," he chuckles. We walk hand in hand as the snow falls on our heads. We soon make it to my house, dad opens it and is surprised to see Lucas with me. Lucas bows "Goodnight I'll be off," he says smiling and me walking away.  

While we waited for mom to come back I walked over to my room to call Ji Eun, she wanted to check in with me to see what dresses we were going to wear for our winter dance. "Ji Eun-ah did you find dresses," I hear her happily giggle. 

"Yes! at the mall there's only a few left so tomorrow we will go," she says. She had been in such a happy mood ever since Jungwoo told her how he felt. She then hung up on me when she realized Jungwoo was calling her. 

My phone rang it was Lucas, smiling to myself I pick it up "I miss you," his soft deep voice says. "Me too, babe tomorrow me and Ji Eun are going to the mall," before I finished inviting him he said yes. "Really?" "yeah if it's a chance to spend the day with my lovely girlfriend," I felt myself blush at his cute statement. 

I hear the door open, "babe mom's here so I'll go see you tomorrow," "sure for now I'll be missing you," he says before hanging up. I rush down the stairs to greet mom while dad and Jaehyun finish preparing our dinner. 

"So Jaehyun are you taking anyone to the dance?" we all look at him in curiosity expecting his answer. "i-i no one me and the boys are going together," he says making us disappointed in him. After dinner, I and Jaehyun walk to our room after mom and dad said they needed to talk about something. Lately, they haven't been seeing eye to eye because of everything that happened. 

"Do you think mom and dad still love each other," I look up at Jaehyun while we sit at the staircase trying to hear what they are saying. "I mean I think they do, at first I hated mom because I wasn't over my mom's death," I nod agreeing with him. "I hated you," I slap his arm. 

We hear mom and dad walking up the stairs, we quickly stand us running into our rooms. I lay down in my bed thinking about what Jaehyun had said. Even if it had been almost 5 years since our parents married. When we first moved in together, we hated each other, but we quickly came to realize we had a lot in common. 


In the morning I wake up to get ready to meet Ji Eun, I put on a pair of jeans and a white shirt along with some boots and a coat. "come on Jungwoo is waiting for us," Ji Eun opens my door grabbing my purse and phone.  

The snow was covering almost everything, "pretty~" I kneel down touching the snow. "yah!" Ji Eun yells at me pushing me towards the car. "We can look at the snow later," she says opening the door and pushing me inside.  

I fall on someone's lap, my cheeks were bright red as I stood up looking up at the window admiring the snow. I didn't even bother looking at who it was. There were a group of kids playing, I couldn't help but smile at them. 

A pair of big hands take mine, they looked familiar "so you aren't going to apologize," Lucas says resting his head on my shoulder. I rest my head on top of his playing with his hand, "No i'm still upset that i can't play in the snow," I pout looking outside. 

"Yah we can play when we buy our dresses," Ji Eun says scolding me. I salute her making her giggle. 

Once we are at the store, we go over to the dress shop while the boys go and see if they have any suits. A few hours later we walk out of the store with our dress when

We hear some girls whispering, "did you see those 2 cute boys~ wanna go and ask for their numbers?" we see them walking over to Jungwoo and Lucas who were sitting down at the food court waiting for us. 

"let's see what they do," Ji Eun says sitting across from them to watch the girls. I felt my blood boil when the girls approached them. The way Lucas smiled at her, I looked over at Ji Eun she was glaring at them. When she saw Jungwoo flash them his sweet smile she lost it. 

"yah come on!" she says pulling me along. "Oppa! come on we are done!" she calls Jungwoo making him turn around. He smiled sweetly at her ignoring the fact that girls were just flirting with him. "so call us," one of the girls says putting her number in front of Lucas. 

Had she no shame that his girlfriend was in front of her, "babe, I'm hungry let's go eat," I pout tugging his arm. The girls glare at us when we take the boys away from them leaving the numbers at the table. 

While we walk Jungwoo bursts out laughing kissing Ji Eun on the cheek, "Jealous much," Jungwoo starts teasing. "Y/N was so cute," Lucas says joining Jungwoo. Ji Eun lets go of his hand grabbing mine. 

"Let's go find other boys to talk to," she says but Lucas and Jungwoo pull us back hugging us.

While we went home Ji eun told us to stop at her house so we can play in the snow, once she gets out she throws a snowball at me. "Yah!" I make one and throw it back at her. 

Soon we are having a snowball fight with Jungwoo and Lucas just supervising us. Me and Ji Eun make eye contact smirking at each other, we grab a snowball and throw it at Jungwoo and Lucas.  

We start throwing snow at each other having fun. Memories like this were the ones I was going to treasure forever. 



Sorry if this chapter was a bit longer.

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