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In the morning Jaehyun was already gone like usual, mom and dad said they had work so it was just me. Part of me felt uneasy that they might see me with Lucas, now that it was clear that they didn't like him even if they didn't know who he was. 

I didn't tell them about what happened with Taeil but I pretty much knew he had told Jaehyun who had told my parents. On my way to the park, the same car was there, I saw Lucas getting out of the car waving goodbye to them. He had gotten more mysterious ever since he met Jaehyun and since those new kids came. 

I walked over to Lucas who was waiting on the bench looking around for something every minute like someone was after him. "Lucas!," I call out to him, a smile appears on his face almost immediately after seeing me.  

He pulled me into a hug, it felt warm and full of love. The hug felt like minutes but in reality, it was only 1 minute. He takes out a pair of sunglasses handing them to me, "I don't want anyone seeing your pretty eyes," he says making me blush. We weren't even a thing but he made it look like we were.  

We arrive at an ice cream parlor, he sits me down "stay here and don't talk to anyone," he cutely says before walking to the counter to order the ice cream. A girl walks in her eyes dart over to Lucas who was making his way over to me. "Yukhei, come we need to talk," she says but Lucas ignores her. 

Yukhei? was he the same person that called Jaehyun the other day? Or was I thinking too hard? Her eyes land on mine as she glares, "so this is who you leave me for? She's nothing but basic" she says hurt me. Lucas chuckles at her sitting down in front of me. "She makes me feel complete," he lovingly says making the girl leave. 

Silence surrounds us as we eat the ice cream, "um don't listen to what she said," he breaks the silence between us. I chuckle setting my spoon down to hold his hand, "I don't care who you dated in the past," I assure him making him sigh in relief. 

After our 'date' we walk down the park, Lucas's phone rings. He didn't look too happy about it. Guess it was time for him to leave, "Y/N, sorry my dad needs me," he says hugging me goodbye. I nod letting go of him, "I had fun, thank you," I say before he leaves. 

On my way back I bump into a tall looking guy, he had dark black hair and seemed to be waiting for someone. He turns back to face me, he was handsome. "Sorry I wasn't looking," he says chuckling. I shake my head, "I wasn't looking," I say making him smile. 

That smile. 

"My name is Hendery, yours?" he asks taking my hand. I take my hand away feeling awkward  "y/n" I say introducing myself. He looked familiar like I had seen him from somewhere. We start walking in the same direction. That's when I found out he was close friends with Lucas.   

He said he and Lucas had been childhood friends along with all the new students. Their families have always been pretty close. Lucas had told me he didn't know them. I bid goodbye to Hendery and start walking home. 

Once I had gotten home Jaehyun was talking to dad, but they soon stopped talking when I walked through the door. Mom wasn't home. "Y/N did you have fun with Ji eun?" dad asks getting up from the couch. 

I nod getting out some snacks to join them, "Tomorrow we are going on a trip to Jeju island so pack up," dad says. Almost immediately I rush to my room to pack up some things, that's when my phone rang. 

The unknown number. 

My curiosity got the best of me, but I didn't answer the phone as Jaehyun had walked in. He looked at the sunglasses I had forgotten to give back to Lucas. "Where did you get these?" he asks looking at the brand.

"Me and Ji Eun found them on the floor, so we thought they looked nice so I took them," I lie. Lately lying has become a regular habit of mine. When my real father was around I couldn't even dare lie to him. 

Jaehyun nods putting the glasses back, "you gotta let me use them someday," he chuckles walking out of my room.  My phone rings again, this time it's Taeil. 


"Y/N just wanted to see if you were all packed," 

"so you are coming too?" I say excitedly. 
"Yeah, your dad invited us,"  

"that's cool we can have fun together," 

"see you tomorrow, can't wait" 

I hang up feeling a bolt of happiness strike my body. Back in freshman year, I had a crush on Taeil but he had a girlfriend back then so I told myself to get over him. I did that's when I met Lucas. But lately, Taeil has been talking to me more bringing back those old feelings. I like Lucas but Taeil. 

Mom walks in after getting home, "do you want Ji Eun to come with us? it'll be weird to be hanging out with just boys," she lightly says. "I already did she's coming over so we can sleepover," I say. She chuckles nodding. 

She stood at the edge of my door wanting to tell me something but just couldn't. She never kept anything from me but I guess she had her reasons. "Y/N-ah I love you," she says before leaving my room. 

In the early morning, everyone was gathered at the airport with their things, Taeil walked over to me giving me a small hug. "Sleepy y/n is so cute," he says patting my head. Ji Eun walks over to us hugging me. "Y/N let's sleep I'm tired," she sleepily says. 

I pat her head walking her to the plane, we sat next to each other. She fell asleep. I looked over and saw someone who looked almost like Yangyang one of the new students. I brushed it off thinking it was someone else and that I was too tired to think of anything. 

Little did I know I saw correctly.


Why did we follow them? Her parents are going to protect her so why are we needed. "Taemin's orders remember" "Kun you are our leader so why can't you do anything," 

"Because you are the one that messed up in the first place," 



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