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Trembling I fall to the ground crying, when did he get to her, Ji Eun didn't do anything she's not even supposed to be in this mess. Lucas kneels down in front of me with a worried expression on his face. I cry into his chest hugging him tightly, the students were passing by looking at us but it didn't matter. My best friend was in danger because of me.  

"Y/N what happened why are you crying," Lucas softly says kissing my forehead. I pull away leading him to the staircase so I can tell him, although he told me not to there's no way I was going to be this stupid go by myself. 

We sit down, "Y/n you are making me worry," he says holding my hand. "Ji-ji- Eun is with my father," I say not being able to hold the tears. Lucas punches the wall next to him in anger, "damn why can't he leave you alone," he says hugging me. 

Who knows what he's going to do to her, "I have to go and get her," I cry out letting go of his arms. Lucas reaches over pulling me back, "I won't let you go by yourself," he says in a serious tone. "He said to go alone, but I will be there in the back waiting until you get her out," he says. 

I nod hugging him, now the only thing to do was leave school without the teachers catching us. But it wasn't something to worry about as Lucas had already left the school unnoticed my a secret entrance.  He had sent us the address, as long as Ji Eun is safe I will end this family matter once and for all.  

The building was old and breaking down but it was a building I recognized, father's old office that had been burnt down. But now I've come to realize it was mother's first attempt to kill him in the fire but she had failed.  

Lucas goes around the back so they won't see him, my heart was racing as I approached the door. In the room Ji Eun was tied up, she had been crying but luckily she didn't look hurt. I felt footsteps from behind me as they grabbed me. 

"Taemin! let me go!," I struggle trying to get him to let go of me. But his grip only gets tighter. He then takes Ji eun by the chains leading us to a cell. "Y/n why did you come!" Ji Eun says in between sobs. 

I hug her stroking her head, "It's fine he wants me," I say looking out of the cell making eye contact with Taemin. Soon father comes in he had been wounded, "Taemin thank you, I have no use for you anymore," he says pushing Taemin into the cell. 

"Father why!" he yells out but receives a menacing look from him, "Y/N is my only daughter I only used you, from the start you were nothing but a tool," he says walking out of the cell. Me and JI Eun stay quiet shocked from the sudden betrayal.  

But soon our faces soften up when we see Taemin cry, he looks at me in anger "WHY! what do you have that I don't! Unlike you, I saw him as a father! is it because you share the same blood!" he says startling us.  

He then calms down it made me feel sorry for him, he lost all his family. "Taemin your family is alive," Ji eun calmly says looking at him. Taemin looks up at her, "what?" Ji eun sighs. "My dad is your mom's sister and we've been living with your mom and your older brother. Your dad passed away a few weeks ago," she confesses. 

This was the reason why she always came to my house instead, "They are looking for you, I didn't realize it was you because they changed their family name to Park, but the other day I saw a picture of you and the teen looked just like you," she lightly says. 

"Mr. Kang caused the accident thinking y/n and her mom were in the car," she says. 

Taemin punches the cell, but I could tell part of him was happy. He rushes over to Ji Eun taking off her chains. He hands me his phone as he starts loading a gun, "Lucas came didn't he," he says before checking to see if no one was around. 

I get his phone and dial Lucas's number, "Y/N? Are you okay?" "Taemin is helping us so be ready," I hang up looking at him to see what his next plan is. He turns around to look at us, "Mr. Kang will be coming soon to get y/n I can shoot open the door and we make a run for it," he explains to us. 

Lucas would most likely be waiting for us outside, "there's no one here beside me and Mr. Kang so it's easy." Taemin says. Me and Ji Eun hold hands ready to make a run for it, "BANG" he shoots open the door running to the exit. 

Lucas was already there waiting for us, "behind you!" he yells out to us. From behind father was aiming the gun at me. I see Lucas run to me covering me "BANG!" I felt his body fall down. It's like the world stopped for a moment. "BANG BANG!" Taemin shoots Mr. Kang. 

I collapse next to Lucas as my hands start getting covered in blood, "No stay!" I sob covering his gunshot wound. His hand makes his way over to my face, he weakly smiles "I protected you didn't I," he says before losing consciousness.  

Taemin walks over to us picking Lucas up as the ambulance arrives, taking him from us. Earlier Lucas had called the cops and the NCT members to come in case he needed backup. We see Mark and Jaemin running to us, "Are you guys okay?" he says pulling us away from Taemin. We saw Mr. Kang being taken away he was wounded but Taemin didn't hit vital points. 

The police walk up to Taemin, "I was responsible," he confesses. "Mr. Kang is taking the blame for your crimes," they both walk off. Mr Kang looks back at Taemin giving him a friendly smile, "be with your family kid," he says. 

Father really cared for Taemin, he only said that so Taemin can betray him and go back to his real family. 

"I need to go and check in on Lucas!" I say getting in the car so Yuta who had just arrived to take us. Ji Eun said she wanted to stay with Taemin and Jungwoo to figure out a way to introduce him to his family again.  

Lucas, please hang in there I can't lose you.




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