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The next day at school they had told us Mijoo had died in a car accident, her body was found at the edge of a cliff. I looked over at Lucas he looked sad but it wasn't because of Mijoo. 

He looked lonely or scared of something. 

I wanted to go and talk to him but I was scared. Scared that he might have been the person I saw last night. Chenle walks up to me, "The news just said Mijoo was killed," he whispers so that the teachers won't hear anything. 

"They found a bullet through her head, and she was severely beaten," he explains taking his phone out so we can watch the news. "Lele why did the teachers lie to us," he shakes his head. "Mr. Lee lied to us, every other teacher is saying someone killed her," could Mr. Lee have been the person I saw that night. 

We look over at Winwin who was making his way over to us, he looked scared. "Don't belive anything Mr. Lee tells you," he warns. Then Lucas was telling the truth the other day, Mr. Lee was the person I saw that night. 

I walk into his class, he didn't seem fazed about everything that was on the news. All the other teachers were freaking out saying that another student may get targeted. Especially after the disappearance of Baekhyun and Kai. 

I was glad Lucas wasn't in this class, everything would have been tensed and awkward. But it seemed like Jaehyun and he was now getting along just fine. "y/n can you get some copies for me?" Mr. Lee asks after his lecture. 

Doyoung who was in the class stands up, "I'll do it, I was going there anyway," he gets up gatting the paper from Mr. Lee. Ji Eun nudges my elbow, "Is it me or is Mr. Lee kinda off," she says looking at him. 

I get up pulling her along with me, "Let's each at the cafeteria today," confused she nods. Ever since the incident with Lucas, we had been having lunch in homeroom but today felt like we shouldn't. 

At the lunch tables, Lucas and his friends were sitting with us. Everyone was having a normal conversation acting like they didn't hate each other a few months ago. I sit down next to Lucas, I felt him lightly smile at me. His hand moves over to mine holding it, was he using me to get over Mijoo. I couldn't believe anything this guy told me

 "Y/n can we talk?" Lucas finally says. "I'm ready to tell you everything, meet me and Kun's bakery if you want," he says getting up to leave only to bump into Baekhyun and Kai.  

Kai glares at him, "you really tricked us there buddy, but did you really think he wouldn't find out" he scowls punching him in the face. Everyone was now surrounding the two as they fought, where were the teachers at. There was a sharp pain in my stomach as if someone had just stabbed me, "Y/N? are you okay?" Mr. Lee walks up behind me pointing at my bleeding stomach. 

I felt myself collapse on Ji Eun who was now frantically screaming. From the corner of my eyes, a dark shadow was making its way out. Mr. Lee picked me up saying he was taking me to the nurse's office. No, he can't. "Someone help me," I whisper. Mr. Lee's facial expression looked dark and sinister. 

"Someone will help you dear by taking you out of your misery," 

Everything went dark. 

No one's POV

A few of the teachers stopped the fight, Lucas was told to head to the nurse's office to get bandaged up while Kai was sent to the office. Something felt off, why did they suddenly show up and caused such a mess. 

Lucas bumped into Ji Eun on the way she was crying, "Mr. Lee is taking y/n to the hospital, she was bleeding and passed out," she explains. 

Lucas's world came crumbling down. He wasn't taking her to the hospital. This was all a distraction in order for him to take her. 

He quickly ran over to the cafeteria looking for Jaehyun, "He took her, we were too late," Jaehyun's eyes widen in shock. He had been by her side, but the one time he leaves. Everyone was sent home feeling stressed out from the death of their classmate. 

But it was no time for them to rest they needed to find y/n before he put her hands on her. Lucas knew were Taemin's hideout was but he didn't know where his father was. He needed help from Mr. Jung. 

Mr. Jung worked for the police as a secret agent, tracking down vicious criminals and putting them under bars. The only person he couldn't catch was Mr. Kang, 5 years ago he almost had him but lost him due to his new wife's life being in danger.  

Quickly all 21 boys went to Jaehyun's house, praying that he was home. From the outside, it looked like the house had been broken into. Jaehyun ran in, his father was sitting on the floor with a gunshot wound. 

While his stepmother was nowhere to be found, "Sir my name is Lucas and I need your help," Lucas says but his dad ignores him. "I know you and I aren't on good terms but he took y/n and I need her to be safe," he pleads. 

Soon the ambulance arrives taking Mr. Jung to the hospital, "Let's go to the bakery," Hendery says after searching for any clues. "Why?" Taeil asks walking beside him. "We have a secret base and it tracks people," Yangyang explains. 

To Jaehyun it was clear now as to why Lucas told them to come to Korea, they worked as agents as his father did. "Are you guys perhaps WAYV?" Taeyong asks. Xiaojun nods, "A subdivision of NCT which is your group," 

No wonder Taeyong didn't hate them, he's known all along. Every Tuesday he and Taeyong went down to the NCT headquarters to track down Mr. Kang. On their computer screens, there was WAYV but he never questioned his leader. 

They had been fighting with their allies, not knowing the real threat under them. 


"D-dad why are doing this" 

"You have the audacity to call me dad after what you did" 


"Shut he up she's getting on my nerves," 

"Bandage her up too, I want her alive for when she sees this," 


However, when they arrived to the bakery it was in flames, Taemin was one step faster than them.  




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