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We both stare at each other, "Taemin forced me to lure you to him, but as you started hanging out with me and being your cute self, I fell in love with you," he says kissing my forehead. The soft kiss melted my heart, "and I couldn't let Taemin get the girl I wanted for myself," he softly says as his grip gets tighter. 

"I know what I did was wrong, but Mijoo was the only girl I knew who had your last name so I told Taemin she was you," he finally tells me the truth. He was crying, he felt guilt for everything he did. Softly I hug him, "it's okay I know everything I just wanted you to tell me," i say as he looks at me in surprise wiping away his tears. 

He held my hand "can we be together i'll keep you safe," he says putting my head on his forehead. I nod smiling like an idiot, everyone told me he wasn't a good match for me but I knew he was meant for me. 

It made me happy to be with him despite everything that was going on right now. The door opens revealing Jaehyun, "Lucas you better watch out she's still my sister," he warns closing the door behind him.  

He laid down on the floor, I was on the bed I felt bad that he had to sleep on the hard cold floor when there was enough room for the both of us. Yet if I asked him it will be pretty embarrassing to sleep together. 

Thinking about it my eye lids fell heavy and I drifted off to sleep. 

Lucas's POV

I watched her fall asleep, she looked peaceful, she must've been tired from everything that had been going on. Making sure she was fast asleep I crawl over to the empty side of the bed and lay down next to her. It was cold on the floor, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I felt her move towards me, I tensed up thinking she might wake up but instead she wrapped her arms around my waist laying her head on my chest. 

She was so pretty I couldn't keep my eyes off her, as she silently slept. Y/N I promise I won't let you get hurt again no matter what. 

The next morning I felt her gasp and move away from me, I shut my eyes as she touches my face "he looks so handsome," I hear her says before kissing my cheeks. I open my eyes pecking her lips, she looks at me in shock but then proceeds to smile at me with her cheeks light pink. 

She gets up to get ready for school, her dad had said it's best if she went to school since it'll be safe. Taemin wasn't going to be there knowing that most of us still went to school we could easily tell our seniors to come and arrest him.  

We both come outside of the company waiting for her dad to come and take us to school, I take her hand. It was our first day of officially dating, it made me happy seeing her smile the way she did. 


At school when everyone's eyes landed on y/n they started whispering and saying things. "Did Mr. Lee do something to her?" or "She probably sold herself to Mr. Lee," I looked over at y/n she had her head down avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Yah she was in the hospital sick," We hear Taeyong say. 

But no one really believes us, I grab y/n's hand pulling her inside the school. We didn't have homeroom together anymore so it was harder to see her now. Everyone gasped when they saw us holding hands. 

The one girl that wasn't happy was Mijoo's best friend, "Yah Kang Y/N you have some nerve dating my girls boyfriend," but Lucas pushes her away from me. "Mijoo cheated on me, so we broke up." Lucas lies to her. 

Having Lucas lie wasn't ideal I didn't like people lying even if it was for my own good. Beofore class we sit outside the benches, "Lucas can you not lie," I say playing with his hands. He intertwines his hands with mine, "sure, but i'll only lie when I comes to NCT and NEOZONE," he says walking me to class. 

In class Doyoung walks up to me checking if I was okay, "We have a sub today so it's all fine," he says. Ji Eun didn't come to school today, before the teacher came in I decided to call her but no response. 

With everything that had been happening it really made me worried for her, usually when she didn't come to school she slept in and woke up around lunch time. During our break, Jisung comes in from the other class. 

"Noona are you okay you look pale," he says feeling my forehead. I smile weakly at him looking at the empty seat next to mine. "Ji Eun didn't come so I feel a bit lonely," I say Jisung nods sitting down next to me. I see Lucas walk in smiling big with some of my favorite snacks. 

For a split second my worries went away, I watched Jisung leave to go and talk to Mark and Haechan. Lucas sits next to me opening the snacks, he quickly noticed I was sad. "y/n it's okay we can call Ji Eun at lunch to check in on her," he lightly says pecking my forehead. 

I smile nodding eating the snacks he had already opened, when the bell rang Lucas mentally cursed and ran out winking at me. But I couldn't help but think about where Ji eun was, yesterday she seemed fine we even talked about Jungwoo and Lucas. 

At lunch my phone was vibrating, it was Ji Eun. My heart was racing why? I felt my hands trembling. Why was I so scared of picking  up the call from my best friend. 

"Did you think you could get away?" 

"haha how has my daughter grown to be so pathetic," 

"Y/n if you don't want Park Ji eun to die I suggest you come alone." 

"I need to finish what I started," 



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