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Kun walks away from Taeil and I helping the other customers with their orders. "Who would of thought his mom owned this place," he chuckles taking a bite from the cake we ordered earlier. Everything about Kun and the others felt like I had been living a lie. 

Up to this point, I couldn't trust what any of them said, Taeil seemed sweet but Lucas was like that too, and turns out he had lied to me from the start. "Lucas, did you like him," Taeil says looking directly at me. 

"I'd be lying if I say I didn't, I thought we had something but guess it was a game for him," I say feeling sorry for myself. And here I was confessing about Lucas knowing that I used to like Taeil. But he doesn't say anything, instead, he smiles at me. "I feel you," he confesses. 

"I never told you why me and April broke up," he states suddenly making me curious. "She lied to me about everything, she told me I was only hers when she ran to some other guys arms at the same time," he says. 

So he felt the pain, he knows what it feels like. I hadn't realized I was crying until he wiped the tears away. "Sorry for being so pathetic," I say chuckling. "I'm happy I was the one to cheer you up, but man Ji Eu really threw that cake," he says. But before I questioned him for knowing, "she texted me, wanting me to cheer you up," 

After our nice 'date' we bid goodbye to each other, he offered to take me home. I refused wanting to walk by myself to think about how stupid I was. 

I crossed the park on my way home but it felt off no one was there it felt like someone had been watching me, Mijoo suddenly ran up to me. She was bruised and had cuts all over her face. "M-mijoo are you okay," she doesn't say anything but pulls me along with her looking back into the darkness.  

We pull into an alleyway, "H-help me" she says breaking down in front of me. "They will kill me stay away from Lucas he's dangerous," she says in between sobs. I kneel down in front of her, "breathe and take deep breaths," she nods quieting down every time someone passes by. 

A dark figure stands in front of us, Mijoo freezes standing up. "M-mr. L-" he shoots her dead. Her blood splatters on me. Tears were stinging my eyes, she died in front of me. "S-spare m-me I d-didn't s-see a-anything," I say unable to stop stuttering. 

The figure moves aside, "And you didn't see me," he says walking over to Mijoo's lifeless body. Shaking I run home fearing that he was after me. Once I get home I slam the door shut locking it up. I collapse in front of the door breaking down in tears, "Y/n are you okay?" mom rushes in hugging me. 

"I saw someone get killed," I blurt out crying. 


"Father, I got rid of her," 

"Good now find Mrs. Jung for me, "ha better yet the former Mrs. Kang," 

"Someone saw," 

"So they did get rid of them, my plan cannot fail," 



Mom let me sleep with her while dad was kicked out to my room, "We won't tell the police, it's likely if we tell they will target you next," mom whispers hugging me tightly. It felt like when my other dad was around, she and I would hug until we heard him leave the house. Those times were when we really feared for our lives. 

The rest of the night was a blur as I drifted off to sleep in my mom's arms. Jaehyun had been worried about me. From now on I couldn't leave his side. I couldn't help but think about Mijoo and how I couldn't help her escape. 

I wonder if Lucas knew. 

I wonder if he was devastated.

I wonder if he missed her.  

What did she mean to stay away from him

Would things be different if I had mustered the courage to help her out instead of being scared? Who will do such a thing? I know she was a bitch but even she didn't deserve to die like this. Mijoo I will find who made you suffer a gruesome death. 

No one's POV

The next day y/n had decided not to go to school, her mother feared that she might be she will in danger upon seeing what she saw last night. 

At school Mr. Lee was absent, girls were gossiping saying he might have slept with a student and that student was Mijoo as she didn't come to school either. 

Jaehyun, on the other hand, knew exactly who killed her, "Lucas we need to talk," he calls out to the tall handsome man who seemed like he hadn't slept all night. He looked sad and devastated. Jaehyun scoffed, he couldn't believe Lucas was putting up this act. 

"Y/N was there last night," he starts off. The sad look on Luca's face was now full of worry, "H-he won't show mercy on her," he whispers. "When he finds out what we did, he will go and kill her," Lucas warns feeling upset.  

"What did you do to piss him off," Doyoung who had accompanied Jaehyun to talk to Lucas. "I accidentally killed his family," Lucas confesses. "Someone intoxicated me that night, I drove home and crashed into his car killing everyone but him," Lucas finally confesses everything. 

"His new father that took him in, Mr. Kang wants revenge on his former family and he is using me to make his job easier, Taeyong, Mark, and Ten were also forced to do this after some problems they caused him," Lucas finally tells the truth. 

After all, he wanted the girl he fell for to be safe. At first, he talked to y/n as I way to lure her into Taemin's grasp. But he developed feelings for her, not wanting her to die he told Taemin Mijoo was his father's daughter. He just didn't expect for Mijoo to die like that.  

Jaehyun now believed everything, as well as the reason why Lucas had to lie to his sister like that. 

"Do you know why he wants to kill them?" Jaehyun asks hoping to get some answers. 

"They betrayed him, saying that your mom was selfish for taking y/n away from him and that they only thought of themselves when they left him,"  and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants.


"This is not y/n" 


"Kill Kang Y/N" 

"Wait I want to see both of them suffer," 

"Bring y/n to me," 

"Yes, dad," 




So there you have it, the truth has been revealed. 

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