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When we had gotten back from our trip, dad locked me up in my room. "next time I see you talking to him," he doesn't finish. Tears stream down my face as memories with my old dad fill my brain, all the painful mental abuse comes back. And this time mom isn't doing anything about it. 

After crying for a good five minutes there's a light knock on my window, I go to open it revealing Lucas with a picnic basket. He pulls out a rose smiling, "Sorry for getting you in trouble," he says placing the basket full of food in my room. A smile appears on my face, I pull him into a hug "why don't they like you?" he stops to think but not letting go of me. 

"The company your parents work for are my family's competitors," he says. I pull away from him kissing his nose. "We are Romeo and Juliet," I say teasing him. He lightly chuckles but didn't say anything. Before it was time for him to leave he pulled me towards him giving me a sweet kiss. "I like you more than you know," he says climbing down the window.

My heart was beating fast after the sudden kiss, smiling I open the basket thinking that food was going to be in there. Instead, there was a photo frame and a picture of me looking out to the beach. You always look pretty babe~

Dad walks into the room, his eyes go to the open window "I needed some air," I quietly say while he closes the window. He avoids eye contact and exits the room. Soon Jaehyun and Yuta enter the room with some food. 

Yuta sits down on my bed laying down, "Y/N you okay?" Yuta says opening my food. I nod smiling at him but refusing to look at Jaehyun. He knew I was mad at him, "Yuta why do people lie," I look directly at Jaehyun. 

"Some people lie for the sake of others," Yuta says looking at me with those warm eyes. 


"I asked her out,"

"What's her name it's Kang something the old man refused to tell me," 

"Kang Mijoo" 


After my conversation with Yuta and Jaehyun, I laid down in bed thinking about Lucas at least he didn't lie to me.  

The rest of the summer, I didn't see Lucas but he still occasionally texted me sweet things. I would be lying if I said I missed him. Jaehyun was now acting like his normal self before Lucas came into our lives. 

Today we were going shopping, Ten had invited us saying we needed to look good for our senior year. The younger ones were forced to come along, according to Johnny they were our personal assistants.

"Noona I can't believe this is your last year," Jeno whines sitting down next to me. "I'm sure you'll be fine," he turns around looking at Jisung and Chenle our youngest. "They will be the end of me," he says pouting like a little baby. 

Jisung and Ji Eun, she tried to talk to him but she then found out he wasn't interested in dating girls older than him. She was heartbroken but she quickly got over it once she realized how funny Jungwoo was. 

She was the only one I had told about Lucas, I knew she wouldn't keep things from me. "We are here!" Jungwoo yells out to us. The mall was packed, everyone was shopping for school things though we wear uniforms. 

Ji Eun tugs on my shirt pointing over to Winwin who was talking to Ten. Since when are they friends, I thought they hated each other. "That's weird," she says as we walk into the mall. Winwin talking to Ten was something we never thought was going to happen, but I guess you don't really know what's going through people's heads. 

Jaehyun walks up to me and Ji Eun occasionally looking around for someone. "Me and Haechan are going to get some clothes so come with us," he says pulling me and Ji Eun. She pulls back, "no, we are shopping too," she says pulling me toward the store we had in mind. 

Jaehyun glares at the two of us, and the old Jaehyun is back again. "We will go with them," Jaemin walks over with Mark. Jaehyun walks over pulling Mark away from the group, "h-he's coming with me," he says walking away. 

Jaemin sighs walking us to the store, "Jaemin what's going on," I muster the courage to ask him. "I don't know, all I know is that Lucas isn't what he seems to be," he says. "Mark, Taeyong and Ten, they have been pretty weird especially around you," 

So I wasn't the only one that noticed the change in them. Before Mark was always laid back and always cracking jokes. While Taeyong was the same but from the way, he talked to us was different. Normally he was sweet but lately, he's been cold and distant.  

We bump into Hendery, "oh hey y/n, what are you doing here" he asks like he was hiding something from me. "Shopping," I answer looking for some clothes. "Hendery right? what's the deal with Lucas," Jaemin asks. 

Hendery stops and looks up at us, "He got something going on, that's all" he says walking away. Jaemin chuckles looking in the direction Hendery went, "he's hiding something," 

By the end of the day, everyone gathered back in the parking lot ready to go home. 


"So this is Mijoo" 

"Yes, she is the boss' daughter" 

"Finally, I'll see you tomorrow at school," 


"Shut it, you failed me so I will take care of her,"  

"She will pay for destroying the old mans life" 


The ride home was quiet, except for Ten who was talking to Taeyong. "He found a way to trick him," he whispers to Taeyong who nods. "Baekhyun and Kai?" he whispers back. Ten chuckles looking over at me making sure I was 'sleeping'  "I took care of them," he says looking out the window. 



Who do you think is the 'boss'? 

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