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When we had arrived at school everyone was already there talking to each other happy. I was hoping I could see Lucas after so long of not seeing him. "Mijoo is dating him" we heard whispers. "I knew he was playing her," I guess the school's popular girl landed her new boy. 

Ji Eun runs up to me, "y/n you don't want to go inside," she says hurriedly. It made me think of Mijoo's new boyfriend, could it be? "why we are late," I say. Jaehyun quickly walks up to us not saying a word. Usually, when we got to school we went our separate ways but today he was walking next to me. 

At the entrance there he was, kissing Mijoo, laughing at everything she was saying. My heart shattered and broke into a million pieces. We weren't even a thing so why did I feel like shit. Afterall he lied. 


We made eye contact but he quickly looked away, like he was ashamed of something. Jaehyun, on the other hand, was pissed. He had no right though. "Jae let's go," I pull him away from the scene so he won't cause anything else. Once me and Ji Eun had sat down on our seats I let it all out. The makeup that I put on hoping to impress him was gone. She said nothing but pat my back in a comforting way. 

Our new homeroom teacher walked in, he introduced himself as Mr. Lee. All the girls were saying how handsome he was but to me he looked like a regular teacher. Ji Eun held my hand tightly as we watched Mijoo walk in late with Lucas dropping her off in class. Mr. Lee didn't scold her typical always getting her way. 

The voices in the room were fainting all I could think about was Lucas and his sweet lies. He must've lied to me since the start. Telling me how pretty I was or how he liked my smile, but that was all so he could get with Mijoo.  

Lunch was quieter than usual, "Lucas isn't good for you" Renjun says trying to cheer me up. The rest of the boys seemed to agree. Maybe they were right, I was too blind to even notice his bad side. He had blinded me with all of his lies.  

On my way to class, Mr. Lee stopped me, "y/n right? can you tell me where Mijoo is," even a teacher likes her? I scoff glaring at him, "ask Lucas he would know," I sit down in class next to Ji Eun Mr. Lee let us sit together.  

The class was empty, it was just me and her. She wanted me to eat some cake she snuck out to buy for me knowing it was the one food that cheered me up. Then Lucas and his friends walked in. 

Hendery was the one who made his way over smiling brightly like always, "y/n you okay you look kinda down," he asks taking a bite of my precious cake. "Just one of those days," I say taking the fork back from him. 

"Y/N can we talk," Lucas interrupts us. "So you can lie to me?" he stays silent but looks out of the window. "I know you are mad, but stay away from Mr. Lee," he says before walking out of the room. "He's lying," I cry while eating my cake. "He's telling the truth," Taeyong peeks his head into the room.  

I was now sobbing my heart out, "The only person I believe in Ji Eun, she doesn't lie to me" I cry into her shoulder while Ji Eun signals Taeyong and the rest of them to leave. SOon everyone else walks into class ready for Mr. Lee to start his lecture. 

Mijoo walks over my desk, looking at my tear-filled eyes, she scoffs "DId you think Lucas was going to like some basic girl," feeling angry Ji Eun throws the rest of the cake to her. No one did or said anything. Mr. Lee was too shocked to even do anything. 

"Kang Mijoo to the office, Ji Eun pick up the cake," he says leaving the class with Mijoo. We both start giggling. "My cake, you didn't have to throw it," I scold her but she giggles. "Let's go eat some cake after school then," she says hitting my forehead making me fall back. 

Winwin who was also in our class kneels down to help us clean, "you don't have to," Ji Eun says but he smiles nodding at her, "It's the least I could do I can't stand girls like her," he quietly says cleaning up the rest of the cake. 

Mr. Lee eventually came back but Mijoo didn't, of course, why would she face the class after a cake had been thrown at her. Somehow it made me feel better, I wasn't mad that Lucas was dating her it was more upsetting that he lied to me. Making me develop feelings for him.  

The same black car was there but none of the boys got in instead they were walking. Lucas, however, got in with Mijoo. 

Mr. Lee was in the driver's seat. Did I see that correctly or was it my mind playing games with me. Ji Eun had detention so she couldn't join me to get some cake with her. "Wanna get some cake," Taeil walked up to me holding an extra helmet for his scooter. He had graduated last year, guess he was just passing by.

"and milkshakes" I take the helmet from him sitting down behind him wrapping my hands around his waist. Soon we made it to my favorite bakery, Taeil went to order while I sat in our usual seat. 

Kun was there as well, "Oh Y/N hey," he says sitting down in Taeil's seat. "Hey what are you doing here," I ask him. "Well my mom owns this shop and it's my turn to work it," he says getting up when Taeil approaches the seat. 


"Kang Mijoo took you long enough for me to find you," 

"I repaid you and found her now can I leave this society" 

"Yes for now, but you will come again when I require your services," 

"Yes sir," 

"Just don't abandon me like those bastards Taeyong, Mark, and Ten," 





sweet lies | Lucas NCTWhere stories live. Discover now