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We watched father walk towards us the expression he had on his face was one I recognized from a long time ago. "Please y/n is innocent, kill me and not her," Mother starts pleading to him. He smirks kicking her in the stomach. 

"Honey, killing her would torture you and I want to see that," he says walking towards me. I shut my eyes in fear hearing him make his way to over to me. All I hear is mother's cries and pleads. Soon light fills the room, I open my eyes to see Mr. Kang picking me shooting my mother. 

"NO!!" I burst into tears looking at my mother's body fall before me. Before he could get away we felt ourselves falling to the floor, I look over at Hendery who was getting up wiping sweat from his forehead. 

"Tackling people is harder than it looks," he says helping me get up. I run over to mother to check if she was breathing. Everyone soon joins us but by the time they had arrived. Mr. Kang had already run off with Taemin. 

Yangyang kneels down in front of my mother checking for a heartbeat, "It's faint she's losing a lot of blood, luckily he missed a vital point," he says riping his t-shirt to wrap it around my mother. Xiaojun nods helping him pick her up to be taken to the hospital.  

As I watch my mother leave I burst into tears, I could have done something to make sure she didn't get shot. My body was embraced, it was comforting and soothing. I cry into his chest hugging him tightly. Lucas had lied to me but right now his embrace was all I needed. 

Lucas runs his hands through my hair, "hush I'm here now you are safe with me," he lightly says. Soon the police arrive investigating everything, dad was among them but no one had told him what had happened to mom. 

Holding Luca's hand I walk over to him hugging him tightly, dad hugs me back "Thank god you are okay," he says into my ears but then pulls away expecting mom to come. Jaehyun walks over with Yangyang. 

"Dad mom got shot when he was trying to get away with y/n, she's being sent to the hospital," Jaehyun calmly tells dad. We watch dad collapse to the floor, Jaehyun understood why he reacted the way he did after all he lost someone he once used to love. 

Lucas pulls me away so they could have some alone time, "you had me worried you know," he says looking away from me covering his face. It was cute seeing him react this way, I walk over to him hugging him "thank you for being worried at least I know you care for me now," I say. He doesn't say anything but hugs me back. 

"I lied to you to protect you, and I'm sorry," he softly says kissing my forehead. "I lied to you because I fell in love with you," he says pulling my head up to him looking into his eyes. I felt his soft lips touch mine. 

He pulls away smiling at me before walking back to the other boys. Ji Eun walks over almost tackling me to the floor. "You had me worried!" she yells out only to start crying. Soon both of us are a crying mess. We watch Jungwoo walk over to us chuckling at the sight, "you girls are so emotional," he says flicking Ji Eun on the forehead. 

I watch the sight as they both start bickering and flirting, Ji Eun was bright red and I swore I saw Jungwoo blushing. Did I miss something, it was only about a day since when did they get so close. We watch him leave to go and talk to Taeyong, "y/n! earlier he hugged me like this," she says pulling me to her chest. "really! he likes you!" we start teasing each other not realizing that Jungwoo and Lucas were there witnessing everything. 

Jaehyun walks over to us frowning, "Mom woke up and she wants to see you," he says pulling me away from Ji Eun. My heart was beating fast as the car drive was silent, everyone was worried for mom but didn't know what to say. 

When we reach the hospital, Jisung and Mark volunteer to stay outside making sure no one suspicious enters. At the room mom was sleeping, she looked pale and sick. "She was just awake and lost consciousness," the nurse sadly says looking at mom.  

"She kept saying if y/n was safe," she softly says looking at dad and back at mom. I walk over to her bed and touch her hand, tears were stinging my eyes as I remembered everything he did to her when they were married, now she's in the hospital because of him. 

Letting dad alone with mom me and Jaehyun step out of the room so he can take me to get checked up on the wound on my stomach. "Sorry for letting you out of my sight," Jaehyun says feeling apologetic.  

Lucas walks in and looks at my wound, his smile fades as the nurse is patching it up. "Don't worry this wasn't your fault," I say touching it. He sits next to me wrapping his hands around my waist making sure he doesn't hurt me. 

We sit in silence but the silence was comfortable, Dad walks in checking in one me. I feel Luca's hand disappear from my waist as he stands up looking awkwardly around the room. "They say your mom may wake up in a few days maybe weeks, so, for now, you can head to NEOZONE and school," he says looking at Lucas and back at me. 

I stand up from the bed and grab Luca's hand, "let's go," I pull him along with me. Still, I felt burdened that he hasn't told me everything he lied to me about and why he did it. But I still found my self coming back to him. 

At the company mom's employees were surprised to see me meaning that something must of happened to her. "She's in the hospital right," a girl slightly older than me says. Jaemin who had walked behind us nods leading us to the elevators. "NEOZONE has safe rooms for those in danger so you will stay here with Lucas," 

My face turns red as we step into the room, I never imagined staying in a room by myself with a boy I liked. I looked over at Lucas he was slightly uncomfortable too, "You can sleep on the bed I don't mind the floor," he says in a lower tone. Seeing him like this was cute. 

After some time we get settled in, while I was drying my hair from the shower I had earlier Lucas looks at me hesitating, "I will tell you everything now," he says. 




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