[1] missions and parties

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The water elemental skidded to a stop on the edge of the alleyway, whipping around and firing jets of water at the attackers, who immediately drew their weapons from their jacket pockets, waving them menacingly.

"Careful, Water!" the ice elemental yelled, using his powers to freeze the lower half of the thugs. Water rolled her eyes playfully as she ran back into the bank, "thanks Ice, but you know I can take care of myself."

The bank's sirens were wailing, sending flashes of red and blue around the vault. Water glanced into the nearest safe, and found Lightning dealing with two thieves at once, his hands wrapped around their necks as electric shots coursed through their bodies.

Lightning glanced up at her, his blue eyes sparkling with exhilaration, "hey, Fire ran off somewhere down the vault," he gestured wildly to the other safes, "he said he would be fine but check up on him will you?"

Water groaned as she took off down the hall. That sounded like Fire; always being irrational. 

She neared the next corner to find Fire being completely overpowered by a large group of thieves. Rolling her eyes at her brother's stupidity, she began firing jets of water at the thugs, knocking them out one by one. The Fire elemental turned to her, startled by her sudden appearance.

"Looks like I'm saving your ass again," she yelled over the sound of the alarm, shooting water from all angles.

Fire smirked at her teasingly, poking her in the sides, "because you looooove me."

"Oh, shut up," Water playfully cast her water towards her brother, soaking his gi. He made a noise of protest and was about to retort back when the ear piece in their hoods crackled to life.

"There's no more thugs on the street," Earth's voice sounded, "you guys in the clear?"

Water glanced around the now empty vault, before turning on her mic, "yeah, I took out of the last of them." Fire rolled his eyes as the rest of the team congratulated his sister.

"Let's meet up back at base in 5," the Ice elemental suggested, the rest of the team murmuring their agreement. "We can leave the rest to the police." 

Water turned off her microphone as her and Fire tied up the unconscious thugs. She ran out of the vault and into the alleyway. Crowds and news reporters surrounded the scene, civilians going out of their way to try and get a picture of the legendary ninja, while police attempted to hold them back.

"Guys, we've got company," Lightning groaned over the channel. Water glanced around to see him standing behind her, pain evidently plastered on his face. As much as the ninja enjoyed saving Ninjago City, the media were enough to want to make them quit daily. How were they supposed to keep their identites hidden when cameras and microphones were regularly shoved in their face?

"There's a fire escape at the end of a vault that leads to the roof," Fire proposed, and Water and Lightning exchanged quick nods. The team of elementals ducked back into the bank and ran up the fire escape, their masked faces hit with a cool breeze as they reached the roof.

The Ice elemental quickly scoured the roof for any runaway thugs, before turning and facing the group. "Well, we did a good job today. You all arrived on time, which is a great achievement for some of you."

Earth glanced down sheepishly while Lightning snickered. Ice shot them a knowing look, before continuing. "Anyway, Master Wu has organized another team meeting tomorrow at 8pm. It's important and there's no way to get out of it."

"Hopefully we're getting new suits," Fire remarked, glancing down at a gaping hole on his upper chest. Water smacked him in the side, "not our fault you can't take care of yourself."

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