[16] sons of garmadon

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*listen to the song during the roof scene for the ~full experience~

the plot is finally beginning to come together!!


Cole's breath came out in a fog as he tugged on his black gi. The constant screaming from his peers was beginning to give him a serious headache.

It was just a group of Freshman pranking Lloyd by turning off the lights. Nothing to get so worked up about.

His mind was spinning as he thought of Ice issuing the message. Jay was probably right, Ice had to be someone in the school and Zane was the only solution his tired brain was willing to accept.

He slid through the halls into the gym, seeing most of the team already assembled in the middle. He gave a small nod as he joined the circle, avoiding Kai's gaze.

"Sons of Garmadon," Jay said quickly, "I think they... know about Lloyd."

"Know what about Lloyd?" Ice asked, voice wavering slightly.

Skylor grimaced, "that he is Energy."

Cole expected Ice to freak out like he did before, however he just nodded curtly, "I had assumed."

"Oh," Jay blinked, "well, uh, at least we're all on the same page."

The door burst open with a clang, Energy and a boy in a dark green gi skidding into the room, both breathing heavily. They came running up to the group, Lloyd's eyes wide in panic.

"Is that Wind?" Skylor mumbled to no one in particular.

Lloyd's brow furrowed in confusion, before he realised, turning back to Wind with a surprised look on his face, "right. He's, uh, he's back. He wants to rejoin the team, if that's okay...?"

Wind looked around the group, dark eyes alight with nerves. "Of course he can," Skylor smiled, "we need as many people as possible." The others murmured their agreement, Wind relaxing a little.

"Well, this is all very cute, but can we please deal with them?" Kai rolled his eyes, pointing at the gym bleachers. There were two boys standing there, wearing full black and facemasks, their faces completely shadowed.

Jay fought back a chuckle, "that's all we're going up against? They look 12!"

"Funny how we're younger than you but still taller," one of the gang members snarked back. Jay choked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Cole muttered, reaching for his weapon hilt on his belt, "let's just get this over with."

"No!" Ice flung an arm out in front of Cole. "We can't hurt them, they're ki-"

He was cut off as a sudden gunshot rang through the air, his hands instinctively flying up to cover his head as everyone ducked onto the floor. The bullet flew past them into one of Harumi's posters, a sickening rip echoing throughout the hall.

Why the fuck do these children have guns? 

"This is a message for Lloyd Garmadon, aka the green ninja," the gang member grinned maliciously, "since he thinks he can just skive off our gang meetings and join the 'secret ninja force' behind our back."

"Yeah, dipshit, we already know that Lloyd Garmadon is Energy!" Kai slurred, stumbling dangerously as he stood up. "Now don't make this harder than this already has to be."

"Wait, how do you know I'm Energy?" Lloyd jumped up as well, shooting Kai an accusing look.

"Lloyd Garmadon is a traitor," the gang member raised his voice.

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