[17] robotics nerds

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dear ben hargreeves, marry me. 


"On Saturday, the 5th of December, Ninjago High School came under gun threat.

Two armed gang members, whose identities are not available to the public, were arrested on the scene. They were between the ages of 13 and 16, and are currently being held in custody at the Ninjago Police Station.

Thankfully, firearms were not in use until the student body had evacuated, and there have been no confirmed injuries. The cities masked heroes rose yet again, raising the question that's been on everyone's mind since day one:

Who are these ninja?

The team of trained individuals had managed to escape the scene before authorities and officials had arrived, forcing the council to face an unsettling realization: are these ninja still in high school?

More information on the infamous 'Sons of Garmadon' gang rise coming later tonight. Gayle Grant, Ninjago News."

Skylor groaned as the news segment ended, dropping her head into her hands. Nya was sitting cross-legged next to her, biting her fingernails nervously.

"They know we're in high school," she said.

"I just don't get why everyone is so intent on finding out our real identities," Skylor grumbled, "we save the city on a regular basis, and this is how we're treated? They seriously need to start showing us a little more gratitude."

Nya stretched back onto her couch, flicking off the TV as it started showing the news stories, "Wu is going to kill us."

"Wu can suck it. Maybe he should get his age-old ass back out onto the battlefield and then try and tell us what to do."

Nya glanced at Skylor, the corners of her mouth upturned in amusement. Skylor just stared straight forward, arms crossed firmly across her chest.

"Well, uh, we should probably talk about Ice," Nya said, "aka Zane."

"Ah," Skylor leant her chin on her hand thoughtfully, "I underestimated his genius-ness. He's been wearing brown contacts for years to cover up his true blue eyes. I'm kind of mad at how smart he is!"

Nya shook her head, "that's not genius, that's paranoia. He really didn't want anyone to know his identity."

"Can you blame him? Ice; genius, leader, badass ice wielder. Zane; massive nerd."

"Zane's nice!"

"That doesn't make him any less of a nerd."

Nya shoved Skylor with her foot, rolling her eyes, "well, at least he'll be protective of his identity against the public. Maybe we should all get some coloured contacts to match our gis."

"Funny you say that, because it was your eyes that made me realize you were Water," Skylor smirked, "imagine if none of this ever happened, and we were stuck in the unknown forever."

"Well then my brother's identity wouldn't have been in jeopardy."

"Well then you wouldn't get this," Skylor leant in and pressed a quick peck to Nya's lips, "or this," her lips trailed down Nya's jaw to her collarbone, sending the other girl into a fit of giggles.

Footsteps came into the living room, the two girls separating to see Kai standing there with a scowl. He was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, and his hair greatly resembled that of a birdsnest.

"Hey," Skylor said slowly, glancing between him and Nya. Kai ignored her, sitting down behind Nya on the couch and wrapping his legs around her torso, burying his face into her shoulder.

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