[14] prom queen

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prom pt1: harumi, skylor, nya, lloyd, morro. the others are in pt2!

this chapter is going to be written a *little* different than usual, hope it works well.


The Administration Committee had really outdone themselves. The Gymnasium had been completely converted into a dance floor, with bright lights hanging from the ceiling and silver tinsel strung around the seats.

They also weren't playing Christmas music, which was a massive plus.

Harumi stood in the entrance to the hall, fiddling with her hands nervously as people came in. As usual, she stood out, wearing a forest green floor-length ball gown, and her long white hair was curled down her back. 

She spotted a familiar redhead walking in, wearing a long sleeve black dress. Nya was at her side, wearing a small white dress, her black hair curled and bobbing above her shoulders. The two were giggling about something, but Skylor stopped short as she saw Harumi.

"Hey girls!" Harumi plastered on a fake smile. "You both look amazing!"

"Nothing compared to you," Skylor said sweetly, her narrowed eyes not matching her smile. Harumi took the hint, responding with an equally vicious look.

"The place looks great!" Nya hurriedly stepped between them before things could get ugly. She dragged Skylor by the arm to the otherwise of the gymnasium, and Harumi could hear Skylor muttering a string of curses as she left.

Zane and Pixal arrived next. Harumi fought back a snark remark about their matching white outfits, and just beamed at them.

"You guys look so cute!" she said, causing them both to blush. "I love your dress, Pixal. It's very... modest."

Pixal hesitated for a second, before smiling, "thank you, Harumi. Your dress is very... green."

Her attitude caught Harumi off guard, the pair taking the opportunity to make it into the dance. Zane stared at Pixal with his mouth agape as if he didn't know she was capable of talking back to Harumi like that.

Next in was the football boys. They were all wearing boxy black suits, different coloured ties for each member. They all gave Harumi a crooked smile as they yelled amongst themselves. She noticed Cole at the front of the pack, separated from Kai for once.

Harumi was a little suspicious about those two, but Cole was a lot stronger and a lot scarier than her so she decided to just keep her distance.

Morro and Lloyd Garmadon were next. They both looked slightly awkward and out of place compared to the rest of the students in the Prom, but they were whispering something to each other that Harumi couldn't make out, resulting in a fit of giggles.

"Hey, Lloyd!" Harumi said brightly as they walked past.

Lloyd flipped around in surprise, "uh, hey Harumi."

Morro scowled from next to Lloyd, pulling him along to the food and drinks table. Harumi watched them go in surprise. Last time she had checked, the two hated each other.

A few more guests were coming in, but all the social interaction had Harumi exhausted. She pushed through the dancing crowd to find her cheerleaders. They were all dancing along happily, occasionally shooting people a dirty look as they tried to talk to them.

"Hey girls," Harumi waved, the entire group closing in on a circle around her, "any idea who's winning the most votes for Prom Queen?"

"Yep!" Chamille tossed her long hair back on her shoulders as she pulled a list out of her bag. "Harumi, you're first, then Skylor Chen, and then Pixal Borg."

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