[7] lacrosse gossip sesh

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!!: Pythor is a human teacher in the au. he's not an.. evil snake teaching at a school.


Jay ran down the lacrosse field, waving his stick around wildly. His team mates ignored him, shooting the ball toward the goal and epically failing. The coach blew his whistle, throwing his hands up in annoyance as the team hung their heads.


Jay turned around to see Kai running towards him, his brown hair even wilder than usual. Jay chuckled, leaning on his stick as the boy neared him.

"Glad you're here," he mused, gesturing towards the team, "Coach is not in a good mood."

Kai frowns, putting his headgear on as he turned toward the rest of the team. Sure enough, Pythor was yelling at the team angrily, waving his arms around violently.

"So, where were you?" Jay continued, noticing the light blush on Kai's cheeks.

"Hanging out with Cole," Kai muttered, crouching down to tie his shoes. Jay hesitated slightly at the name, but recovered in time to smile cheekily, "hanging out or hooking up?"

Kai froze, glancing up at Jay, "-what?"

"Oh, nothing! I just noticed that you two have a sort of... couple vibe, if you know what I'm getting at."

Kai paused, checking to see if anyone was in earshot before sighing, "fine, we're dating. But you can't tell a soul or I swear to God, Cole will kill me and then you."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll take it to my grave!" Jay threw his hands up defensively, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. Kai rolled his eyes at his childish behaviour, jabbing him lightly in the stomach with his lacrosse stick. 

The boys could still hear Pythor furiously yelling at the rest of the team, as Jay placed his hands on his hips and turned to Kai, "any updates on Skylor?"

Kai laughed bitterly, "she hasn't been in contact with anyone, apparently. Nya sent her a breakup text this morning, which literally just said 'bye'."

"I almost feel bad for her," Jay said, receiving an incredulous look from Kai.

"Why? It's obvious she was only dating Nya so she could uncover the team's identities."

"But she seemed to really like Nya."

"I wouldn't say that."

Jay was about to respond when Pythor blew his whistle obnoxiously loudly, signalling to the boys that they have to actually play. Jay exhaled deeply as the two boys ran over to the rest of the team, who were shooting them sour glances.

"Ladies this is lacrosse training, not a lacrosse gossip sesh," Pythor glowered at Kai and Jay, "and try to actually show up to practise on time?"

Jay bit his lip nervously as the rest of the team snickered. He always felt a little intimidated by his teammates; considering they were all taller, stronger and older than him. He was lucky that Kai decided to take him under his wing when the season first started.

"Anyway, the Winter season is quickly approaching," Pythor turned to face the Seniors, "it's your last season before Graduation. We had a pretty successful round last year, lets do it again this year?"

The Seniors roared in excitement, raising their sticks triumphantly as Pythor's face broke out into a smirk. The team dispersed, running to their positions on the field. Jay and Kai chose the far right corner, watching the team thoughtfully.

"So, why haven't you told Cole that you're... y'know."

Kai shrugged, "He doesn't need to know. Like, just a couple hours ago he told me that his life was going so smoothly at the moment and he felt like he actually had a purpose. I don't want to make his life all complicated by just casually saying, 'oh, by the way, I'm the Fire ninja.'"

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