[4] not so secret

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i'll be updating every 5 days now!


Kai drove in silence, keeping his eyes trained on the road. Cole sat in the passenger seat, occasionally stealing glances at him to see if he was still mad. The awkward radio interview certainly wasn't helping.

Cole's stomach was doing itself in knots as Kai pulled into his driveway, unlocking the doors without sparing a second glance. Cole bit his lip as he picked up his duffel bag from his feet and glanced at Kai.

"Thanks for the lift," he muttered and was about to leave when he heard Kai take in a deep breath. 

"Cole, can you please be honest with me for a second?" Kai asked, voice tense as he made eye contact with Cole. Cole swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what Kai was about to say.

"I know you hookup with a lot of girls," Kai continued, voice dangerously quiet, "and I know you don't think much of those hookups, but..." he frowned, staring down into his lap, "but if you and I are only a one-time hookup, can you please just let me know? Cause I'm not big on hookup culture, I don't - I don't know how to feel."

Cole's heart rate picked up as Kai looked him in the eyes again. He cleared his throat, nervously wiping his sweaty hand on his knee.

"Kai, I-" he took a deep breath. "Kai, you're not just a hookup to me. I can't remember exactly what happened that night, but I felt something. I... I felt something different from most hookups."

Kai refused to break eye contact with him, leaning back on his car window ledge as he listened.

"I thought if I ignored that feeling and just made out with more girls it would... fix me," Cole almost choked on his words, tilting his head back as he stared at the roof, willing himself not to cry. "I'm just afraid. You and Nya have always been so confident, but I don't think I'm ready to... do that yet, y'know?"

Kai nodded, not quite sure what to feel. "I understand."

Cole turned his attention back to his duffel bag at his feet, butterflies swirling throughout his body. His heart was screaming at him to tell Kai, his head was screaming that it would be a terrible idea. 

Kai took a deep breath, "uh, thank you. See you at school on Monday."

Cole nodded and gave a small smile, and was halfway out the door when he turned back to Kai.

"I'm gay."

Kai's eyes widened and he turned to Cole incredulously. Cole stared back at him, equally surprised. Kai gave a reassuring smile, "uh, for real?"

"Yeah," Cole said breathlessly. "Yeah. I know what that feeling was now."

"O - okay," Kai stammered, not even trying to hide his growing smile. "Wow."

"Do you.. uh... do you accept me?" Cole asked shyly.

Kai cocked his head to face Cole and almost laughed at Cole's sincere expression, "do I accept you? Cole, I've been pining over you for weeks and praying that you would say that. Of course I accept you, you idiot."

Cole's mouth opened and shut like a fish. He just stood there, watching Kai giggle at him. "Well, I should probably go to bed, it's like 1am."

"Probably should," Kai murmured, as Cole gave him a small wave, walking into his apartment building. He didn't miss the small skip in Cole's step as he neared the front door.


"-and then she leant in, and she kissed me. Like, we made out," Nya gushed, leaning back and plopping her head on her bed.

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