[12] the third wheel

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also morro is back baby!


Skylor leant across the table to Nya, stealing a sip of her milkshake. Nya jumped around and slapped her playfully, Skylor responding with a cheeky wink.

Kai made a noise of disgust from the other side of the booth, Jay snorting from next to him. Skylor just stuck her tongue out at them. 

Since Nya had cleared things up with Kai and Jay, Skylor had been making an effort to do things as a group. It turned out that Kai was quite nice when he didn't hate you, and Jay was really funny when he wasn't afraid of you. 

They were sitting in a booth in the cafe, the sun slipping below the horizon as the group laughed. While Kai pretended that he found Nya and Skylor's relationship disgusting, Skylor knew that deep down he was really happy for them. 

"I told you to get a milkshake," Nya scolded, snatching her milkshake out of Skylor's grasp for the umpteenth time. 

"I wasn't thirsty then," Skylor whined, but leant back on the seat with a pleased grin on her face. "You guys got any plans for prom?"

"Not really," Kai shrugged, receiving a gape from Nya.

"There is no way you're skipping your Junior Prom!" she snapped. "I'm not letting Jay skip so neither can you!"

Kai raised his eyebrows, exchanging a look with Jay, "okay, I'll go! I just don't know if Cole will want to."

"Who cares what he thinks!" Skylor said. 

Kai stared at her, "I care."

"Well, I'm going to Prom," Jay hastily cut in before the two could start another argument, "maybe with Nya, maybe by myself. Or maybe with some cute girl that decides to come my way."

The table fell into a contended silence as Skylor stretched back, lifting her legs onto Nya's. Jay was just staring into space, a goofy grin on his face. Even Kai had managed to loosen up, a slight blush on his cheekbones as he texted someone on his phone.

Nya checked her phone, swinging Skylor's legs off of her, "well, Kai and I should prob'ly get going, we want to get home before it's dark. And I think Kai wants to go to a party with 'you know who'."

"Mmhmm," Kai stood up, still smiling like an idiot at his phone.

"Ooh, who're you going to the party with Kai?" Skylor craned her neck, receiving a reproachful bop on the head, "none of your business."

Nya rolled her eyes, giving Skylor a small kiss on the cheek and waving to Jay, tightening her grip on Kai and pulling him out the door. Skylor watched them go, a fond smile on her face, before turning back to Jay.

"You driving home?"

"Yeah," Jay murmured, glancing out the window, "but my parents are coming so I can drive back with them, I only started driving a few months ago..."

"I'll wait with you." Skylor paused, "oh, you're a Sophomore, aren't you?"

Jay nodded. "How's Sophomore year going?"

"It's... uh," he fidgeted with his hands, "it kind of sucks, y'know, having basically no friends your age."

"I get it. But you seem smart, why don't you just try and move up to Junior Year with the rest of us?"

"Because they're taller than me," Jay said before he could stop himself.

Skylor snorted, sizing the boy up, "Jay, you're like, 5'6"!"

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