[13] brothers? brothers

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i asked last chapter what jay ship i should do, and most of you said lloyd, however, i don't feel comfortable writing any lloyd x ninja ships :( 

jay is going to be the token single friend ;)


the night before, Saturday November 28th, 11pm.

Morro ran home from the party, heart in his throat. He threw open the front door, ignoring the loud crack he caused as the door hit the side window.

Is what Kai said about Lloyd true?

He ran up the stairs to his room, shutting his door and dropping his head in his hands. He could hear Lloyd running downstairs to inspect the smash but he couldn't care less. He began rifling through his drawers angrily, searching for that one book he had been given all those years ago.

The Prophecy of the Green Ninja.

Locking his door, he leant against it and opened the book, filled with messy hand drawn notes from his dad. On the first page, there was a paragraph that Garmadon had written, the pages worn from the amount of times Morro had read it.

The power of energy is usually passed onto the firstborn son. Morro, this will be you. At some point in your teenage years you will be approached by Wu, go with him and you will become part of the ninja team. My other teammates' children will be there, such as Fire, Water, Ice, Earth and Lightning.

Morro shut the book with shaking hands. In all the years Garmadon had secretly prepared him to become part of the ninja team, he had never mentioned Wind or Amber. Morro had spent his entire childhood waiting for the day he could live up to his father's expectations and become the Legendary Green Ninja of Energy. And once again, he lost it to Lloyd.

"Morro?" there was a knock from behind him, Morro practically throwing the book in the air as he scrambled to hide it.

The door hand jiggled insistently. "Go away, Lloyd," Morro snarled.

"But I need to talk to-"

"Go away!"

Lloyd fell silent, his footsteps quietly retreating, his own bedroom door shutting with a click. Morro sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. A part of him felt guilty for yelling at Lloyd, but it was Lloyd's fault. He was the one who should be guilty.

He scowled again, throwing open his closet door as he roughly shoved his dresser aside. Crouching down, he fumbled blindly in the darkness for the bag that contained his ninja gi. 

After having his hand greeted by nothing but air, Morro grabbing his phone flashlight to look for the small black bag. However, the spot where he usually stowed away his gi was empty. Morro blinked, his mind whirring at a million miles an hour as he checked again.

The dresser was empty, there was no hidden hole in the wall that could have swallowed it up. Someone had taken his gi. Morro's eyes narrowed. Lloyd.

He rapped on Lloyd's door angrily, not even waiting for a response as he barged in, glaring around the room accusingly. Lloyd sat on his bed, frozen as he watched Morro with wide eyes.

"Where is it?" Morro growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lloyd whispered, shrinking back against the wall.

"You're lying. Where's my bag?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Morro fought back the urge to throw Lloyd against the wall, "you're the only one in this house. Now, where's my gi, Energy?"

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