[3] baby, you're perfect

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hopefully, I'll get into a regular updating schedule soon but for now:


The normally bustling school halls were empty as Skylor ran down them, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. Ever since she had been chosen by Master Wu to become part of the secretive ninja team, her days had been even more filled.

She usually woke up, went to school, had cheerleading practise, went to someone's party and then returned home. However, she now had to do morning training and after school training in order to become a successful elemental master. Not to mention she had to do it with Wind, who seemed to hate everybody including himself.

Skylor burst through the gym doors, her orange gi carefully stowed away in the bottom of her cheer duffel bag. The girls immediately spun around, frowning at her in disapproval.

"Where have you been?" Harumi remarked, placing her hands on her hips as Skylor fumbled around in her bag. "If you want to remain on the cheer squad you need to show up to practise on time. This is the third time you've shown up late this week, and it's only Wednesday!"

"I know, I'm sorry," Skylor tied her hair back hurriedly. "I've just... got a lot on."

"By 'a lot on', do you mean hooking up with Cole?" Seliel smirked from next to Harumi, causing a ripple of giggles throughout the group. 

Skylor felt the blood rush to her cheeks, "no..."

Her failed attempt at making out with Cole had not gone unnoticed by the school. Every time she walked down the halls she could hear people laughing at her. Cole seemed unfazed by all the attention: he was the football captain after all, and was probably used to people talking about him all day.

"Well, hurry up," Harumi stifled a giggle. Skylor obliged, keeping her head down as she jogged onto the gym mat.

The cheerleaders resumed their routine, Skylor trying desperately to keep up. Jumping in the air hurt, even doing a handspring hurt. Her muscles ached from all the training she had done, and her legs felt too heavy to lift. 

"C'mon Sky, keep up," Harumi scolded from her place in front. Skylor felt humiliated as all the Freshman cheerleaders began to giggle out of the corner of her eye. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her focus. Wu had already warned her and Wind that if their emotions got out of hand, so did their powers. Skylor wasn't particularly fond of Harumi, but it's not like she wanted to freeze her head off.

"You know what Skylor, how about you sit out for this routine?" Harumi suggested. Skylor's heart dropped, but she reluctantly nodded and went to sit down on the edge of the mat. The girls continued their routine, and Skylor rested her chin in her hand.

She glanced down at her watch that Wu gave her. It was disguised as a regular looking watch, but any member of them just had to click a button and could issue a mission at any time. Skylor's heart skipped a beat just at the thought of getting into a battle. The only two elements she had acquired so far were Wind and Ice. What if she suddenly absorbed Lightning's powers and began zapping her teammates?

She shook her head lightly and continued watching the cheerleaders. A light vibration started on Skylor's wrist. Glancing down, she saw that the screen had completely lit up and was casting light onto the wall. That could only mean one thing.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Skylor muttered to herself, grabbing her duffel bag and racing out of the gym, ignoring the inquiring voices from behind her.

Once she was a safe distance away, she tapped on the now persistently vibrating watch. A hologram lit up, showing a map of the city. Skylor's stomach sunk as she read the words on the holograph. 

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