[8] pink and purple hair dye

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shits about to go down ;)


"He's only 14! I can't even imagine having a brother like Morro"

Kai chuckled from his spot on his sister's bed as Nya paced around the room, her hands flailing wildly as she talked to herself. Kai rolled onto his back and stared at the roof.

"Maybe we should adopt him?"

Kai choked, shooting his sister an incredulous stare, "uh, no, how about we don't adopt Morro Garmadon Jr?"

"He's nothing like his brother," Nya tossed a pillow at his face, "Lloyd's actually a good kid, just a little lost."

"You... do know he's in a gang, right?" 

Nya rolled her eyes, "yes, but he said he's trying to change his life at the moment. He joined a new group that's all about being good!"

"Oh yeah, he joined the ninja team," Kai joked, "'Yeah Ice, I'm glad you're out of that gang.'"

Nya paused, shooting her brother a glare, "I know what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything!" Kai lied, squinting at the roof. But Nya was right - ever since he and Jay had revealed their identities to each other they were playing a game of guessing who each Ninja could be. Jay's most recent conspiracy was that Earth was just Pythor in contacts.

"It's not right and you know it," Nya scolded, placing her hands on her hips.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Kai hurriedly got off the bed, throwing his hands up as he sidestepped out the door. Nya raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he ungracefully ran into the wall, before his bedroom. 

Kai flopped himself onto his own bed, running a hand through his dark hair, seeing his phone light up next to him.

cole: do you want to dye your hair a crazy color w me

Kai blinked, trying to see if he read the message properly. 

kai: what

cole: ^

kai: why?

cole: for fun?

kai: okay bet

cole: cool can we do it right now

kai: haha its 11pm

cole: I'm here ;)

Kai sat upright, running to his bedroom window and glancing outside. Sure enough, Cole's car headlights shone into the parking lot. Kai snorted on a laugh as the doorbell rung.

"Who the hell is here?" Nya yelled out from her bedroom.

Kai ignored her, running to the front door and throwing the door open. Cole stood there, obviously a little flustered; multiple boxes of hair dye stacked precariously in his arms. He gave Kai a sheepish grin.

"Kai? Are you sneaking a boy in?" Nya appeared behind them, a smirk toying her lips.

"I'm not sneaking in, I rang the doorbell!" Cole protested.

Kai rolled his eyes, grabbing his boyfriend by his arm and dragging him to his room. Cole let out a yelp as multiple of the boxes clattered to the floor. Nya picked one up, stifling a giggle, "purple hair dye?"

"Don't you have better things to do?" Kai hissed, snatching the box out of her hands.

"Hey, Nya, I'm sorry about Skylor," Cole leaned on Kai's doorframe. Nya gave a small smile.

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