[11] a big ninja family

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I missed 2 updates I'm really sorry but I promise I'll make it up with lots of chapters now <3


Nya groaned, collapsing back onto Skylor's bed. The sunrise shone through the window, Nya squinting as she glanced up at her girlfriend.

"I should probably go to school today."

"Probably," Skylor hummed, scrolling mindlessly through her phone, "I've been making enough excuses for you the past week. Have you even spoken to your family since... y'know?"

"No," Nya rolled onto her stomach, "I reckon Kai would cover for me, say I'm on a school trip or something."

Skylor shrugged, "that's what I've been telling everyone."

Nya sighed. Ever since her little dispute about Skylor, she had been avoiding her brother. Skylor called him after the fight, saying that Nya was going to be spending some time with her and would come back to school after a break.

Nya hadn't heard Kai's response, but she knew he wouldn't be pleased.

"You're worried about what Kai thinks, aren't you?" Skylor said.

"Of course!" Nya threw her hands up in the air. "I don't want him to think that I'm an idiot. He would understand me if he just... spent time getting to know you. The real you."

"Hey, not defending what your brother said, but he has every right to be mad at me," Skylor frowned.

"Well," Nya sighed in defeat, "yes, but you have been redeemed. Plus, without you, he would have never discovered Cole's identity!"

Skylor raised an eyebrow, "without me he wouldn't have needed to know Cole's identity."

Nya's head spun. Skylor had been trying especially hard to be nice to Nya the past few days, never contradicting her and always accepting her mistakes. She knew it had something to do with Kai.

"C'mon, let's get ready," Skylor nudged Nya with her foot, "I'll let you talk to Kai today. You're lucky we haven't had any team meetings this week."

Nya groaned because she knew Skylor was right, ungracefully falling off the bed.


She slipped through the back entrance of the school, keeping her head down. Nya and Skylor had agreed to go separate ways, knowing that having Skylor next to her would only make talking to Kai even more difficult.

The bell rang, Nya grimacing as she saw Harumi sauntering down the halls. Right, administration meeting. 

She hurried into the classroom, spotting a familiar head of auburn curls in the corner of the room. She chewed on her lip nervously, memories of climbing in through his window and spilling the secret about Energy. Was he still mad at her?

"Hey," she gave a small smile, sitting down on the chair next to him.

Jay glanced up, blinking slowly as he took her in, "h-hey, Nya. Feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"A couple of days," Nya chuckled awkwardly. A heavy silence overtook them, Nya staring intently at her hands, refusing to look at Jay.

"So, about Lloyd-"

"Jay, I'm sorry," Nya blurted out, "it wasn't fair for me and Skylor to barge into your room the other night. We were just excited and not... thinking straight..."

"Of course you weren't thinking straight," Jay cracked a smile, "she's your girlfriend right?"

Nya glanced up, relief flooding through her, "poor choice of words."

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