[5] truth or dare?

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this chapter turned out a lot longer than usual but enjoy! australia has sent kids back to school so i wrote the part where lloyd is in the history classroom in my history classroom lmao.


Lloyd ignored the whispers as he stalked down the hallways. He could see people hurriedly moving out of his way as if he was carrying some sort of deadly disease. But what did he really expect on his first day at a school where his older brother is feared?

"Hey, Lloyd!"

He stopped in his tracks to see a girl with long white hair in a cheerleading uniform.

"Hi," he said shortly. The girl's smile slightly faltered, but she outstretched her hand.

"I'm Harumi," she took his hand and shook it vigorously. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Oh." Lloyd pulled his arm out of Harumi's grasp and stuffed it back in his green sweatshirt pocket.

Harumi seemed undeterred by his attitude, and flashed him a bright smile before marching down the school hall, her little pack of cheerleaders following her. Lloyd glared at her, taking a deep breath and continuing down the hall. 

He knew they were only being nice to him because they were afraid of him and his brother. Lloyd glanced around him, ducking into the nearest classroom and locking the door behind him. He crouched down underneath the window, pulling his phone from his back pocket and immediately texting the gang.

Garmadon: I'm here.

Brad: finally. check to see if there's anything valuable.

Lloyd squinted around the room, his eyes landing on a series of framed posters on the wall. His lips pulled into a twisted grin.

Lloyd: There's a bunch of old posters in frames.

Brad: that's gotta be worth something. let's do a heist soon?

Lloyd: You bet. You in Gene?

Gene: yeah. meet at garmadon's house at 9:15 tonight. that work for you guys?

Lloyd slid up from the door, peering into the frames to see if the old war posters had any distinguishable features that could hold more value. He pulled up his phone, typing a response to the group chat.

"Lloyd Garmadon."

Lloyd jumped at the sudden voice, his phone fumbling out of his hands and smacking onto the floor. He threw his hands up instinctively as he spun around to face the attacker. An old man with a long white beard stood there, looking him up and down with a small smile on his face. He held a wooden staff in one hand, the other stroking his beard.

Lloyd scowled, bending down to pick up his phone, "don't sneak up on people like that, Santa Claus."

The old man seemed undeterred by his comments, laughing in a way that made Lloyd's blood boil, "my name is Master Wu. It's nice to meet you, Lloyd."

"How do you know who I am?" Lloyd spat, crossing his arms firmly over his chest.

"I know more about you than you think."

Lloyd couldn't believe his ears, wildly looking around for the room for a very much needed exit. He was about to get attacked by a perverted Santa, who, mind you, had caught him in the act of stealing from the history classroom. 

"Lloyd, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," Wu jabbed his staff in the blonde boy, who squirmed uncomfortably. "Now sit down, and listen."

Lloyd obliged, still uneasy, "the bell will go in a couple of minutes, then it's game over for you."

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