[10] the skylor sucks club

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i write a lot of crap about skylor considering I'm a skylor stan ..


Skylor smiled to herself as she wandered through the school halls, jaws practically on the floor as the students whispered about her. It was incredible how quickly one post could change the focus of the entire student body. 

She spotted a mess of pink hair outside a classroom a few doors up, skipping up and tapping Kai lightly on the back. He turned around, raising his eyebrows, "oh."

"Hey," Skylor fiddled with her sweatshirt sleeve, "good to see you back at school."

"Yeah well, we fixed the post, no big deal," Kai muttered as students continued to stare at them, "the real question is why are you back at school?"

"Coming out isn't that much of a big deal," Skylor said simply.

"Uh, yeah it is. Just so you know, Harumi will probably kick you out of the squad."

"Oh yeah? Just like how you got kicked out of the popular group once everyone realised you weren't straight?" Skylor teased. "Please Kai, I got kicked out of the cheer squad ages ago."

Kai just glared at her, stepping aside and continuing down the hall. Skylor threw her hands up in despair, running to catch up with him, "what is your problem?"

Kai skidded to a stop, turning around, "My problem," he glared at her, "is that you think coming out is going to be enough to fix everything. Yeah, everyone in the school knows you're bi. But that still doesn't change what you did to my sister."

He roughly pushed past her, Skylor stumbling back slightly as she watched the boy. Her heart fell. She thought that taking the attention off of Kai might make him resent her a little less, but he still seemed skeptical of her.

"Oh my gosh, Skylor!"

She turned around to be greeted with a wave of perfume. She winced, fighting back a cough as Harumi's group stared her down. Harumi gave a little wave, her curled hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Hey!" Skylor plastered a fake smile on her face as Harumi looked her up and down.

"We just wanted to say, we're so proud of you," Harumi gushed, "your post last night was so... inspirational!"

"Inspirational?" Skylor frowned, before a smirk appeared on her face. "Wait, Harumi, are you about to come out?"

Harumi ignored her, "but just for the record, in case you get any ideas, uh, we're all straight."

"Don't worry Rumi, I have standards," Skylor clipped back, satisfaction oozing through her chest as Harumi's expression faltered.

"If you had standards then you would stop chasing after Kai Smith," Harumi hissed, "doesn't he have a boyfriend?"

Skylor winced. How did Harumi manage to find out about that one? Harumi sensed her sudden change in mood, a triumphant grin on her face, "well, see you around girl!"

Skylor watched the group go with narrowed eyes. Harumi continued sauntering down the hall, occasionally bumping shoulders with certain older guys. Skylor felt like gagging at the thought of ever having a crush on Harumi.


Skylor sat awkwardly in the middle of the room as discussion continued around her. Ice was calmly explaining the concept of second chances, while Fire and Earth both seemed indignant. Water was sitting in the corner, occasionally stealing glances at the orange-clad ninja. And Lightning was teaching Energy a secret handshake.

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