[18] the samurai x

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bet you thought you'd seen the last of me ... >:)

so i updated. i recommend you reread the past few chapters to get a grip on what the fxck is happening cause i sure had to. and yes! i changed my username! do not worry, there is no random person in ur notifs!

thank you so much for reading!!!


"This is Samurai X."

The room was deadly silent, the team staring at the newcomer with jaws practically on the floor. Jay glanced over at Zane, who was sitting upright, his eyes crinkled nervously.

"Uh, sorry, but what's a Samurai X?" Jay said slowly.

"She wants to become part of our team even though she doesn't possess an elemental power."

He frowned at Wu, "then how did you find her? I thought you were only able to track people with elements."

Wu smiled, "I didn't find her, she came to me."

The whole thing seemed a little fishy to Jay. Wu had called a team meeting the night before school was going back before winter break, and when Jay had complained Ice had insisted it was important.

He felt like he was missing a key piece of the puzzle; Nya and Zane kept exchanging secretive smiles and Kai kept communicating with the Samurai through what could only be described as sign language. Cole just looked confused, looking between Nya and Zane incredulously.

Sensing the awkward silence, Nya cleared her throat and beamed around the group, "I think she'll be a great asset to the team. And she is very advanced in robot technology, which fortunately is exactly the situation we're dealing with right now!"

It all clicked, and Jay sat up a little straighter with a gasp. The excited whispers between Nya and the Samurai when he had first arrived, the way that Zane kept giving her encouraging smiles.

He leant over to Cole, "Pixal Borg," he muttered lowly.

Cole squinted at her before his eyes lit up in realization and he nodded, "damn."

"Lightning, Earth, can I have your attention back to me for a second?" Wu frowned, the two boys immediately separating. "Our samurai will be working in close proximity with Ice, but I would just like to remind you that your identities are the one thing the public is trying to get right now. They don't know anything about the robots, and they won't as long as you keep your mouths shut outside of uniform."

"But, master," Lloyd said, pointing at Pixal, "how did the Samurai X find out how to find you if the team is a secret? Unless there's been some sort of... identity reveal?"

Jay shot Lloyd an incredulous look. The boy responded with an equally defiant glare.

"My father has known Wu for a long time," Pixal responded calmly, in a sweet voice that couldn't belong to anyone but her, "he was the one who put me onto him. And if you're worried about me revealing your identities?" she smiled. "I'm honoured to be on this team. There is no reason for me to misuse my privilege."

Jay sat back with a smirk. Trust Pixal and her legendary debating skills to save the day. Even Lloyd and Wind seemed reassured, watching her with renowned trust.

"Well, that should conclude tonights meeting," Wu banged his staff on the ground, "unfortunately we still do not have an answer to the Sons of Garmadon members yet so keep an eye out for missions."

The meeting ended, Pixal shooting Zane a relieved smile as everyone began to leave. Jay grabbed Lloyd by the arm before he could leave, dragging him into a small alleyway where Wu couldn't see them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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