[2] amber and wind

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(Jay is ftm in this au! I am a cis female so I don't have any personal experience to use, however if you are trans/know any trans people and want to give me tips or facts please do!)


Lightning opened his eyes blearily. The morning sunlight filtered through his window, casting shadows around his room. He sat up with a groan. He had only arrived home from the mission a few hours ago and he was already waking up for school.

His blue ninja gi was carelessly tossed on the carpet next to his bed, right in broad daylight for his parents to see. Lightning's eyes widened as he practically launched himself out of bed and scrambled to hide the gi in his closet. Just in time, he thought as footsteps appeared down the hall.

"Jay, honey, are you awake?"

"Mmhm," Jay swung open his door and found himself face to face with his mum, who immediately pulled him in for a hug. "Morning ma, you're - you're crushing me."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Edna released him, playfully squeezing his sides, getting a yelp from Jay. "You're so skinny, you need to try and put on some weight."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jay muttered, pushing her hands off of him. "I'm uh, going to get ready."

Edna gave him a quick smile, her eyes drifting down his body. Jay immediately felt a rush of guilt as her gaze lingered on his chest. He had been so tired after the ninja mission he had forgotten to take off his binder. 

"Did you sleep with it on?" she asked softly. Jay averted his eyes, shrugging. It was better to accept the punishment for sleeping in his binder than having to explain why he was sneaking out of the house in a bright blue ninja gi at 4am. "You know it's not good for you baby," she rubbed his arms gently, before leaving the room.

Jay threw his head back and groaned to himself, walking over to his closet. He pulled on an electric blue sweatshirt, black jeans and converse. Jay ran a hair through his auburn curls but abandoned the project quickly. His hair had a life of its own and always managed to return to its unkempt ways only minutes after he had styled it. 

Jay wandered out into his kitchen - or rather his kitchen, living room and dining room. His parents lived in a trailer in the middle of a scrapyard. As much as he liked living on such a big property with so many spare parts for inventions, his pint-sized family trailer wasn't ideal. He grabbed an apple and raced out to the bus stop on the edge of his property.


Jay raced off the bus steps and through his school front gate. The morning bell was already sounding and Jay cursed himself for taking the latest bus possible. He burst into the school front doors and was immediately surrounded by a whirl of voices. People at least a foot taller than him jostled him around, yelling across the hall and throwing books.

It was pure chaos.

"'Sup Jay," someone said from his left. Jay just nodded in response, standing on his toes to try and navigate his way through the crowds. Ah, the perks of being 16 years old and 5'5". 

He spotted a familiar bob of black wavy hair and hurriedly caught up to her. "Nya!" he called out. She turned around and her hazel eyes lit up.

"Jay, you're finally here!" Nya grabbed his hand and pulled him into a classroom where the Administration committee sat expectantly.

"Oh shit, sorry I'm late," Jay gulped nervously as all eyes laid on him. "I had a really late night." He wasn't exactly lying.

"It's okay, so did the rest of us!" a white-haired girl piped up from the middle of the table. Jay recognised her as Harumi. He took a seat next to Nya in the circle of chairs, eyeing her carefully. Harumi and her big group of footballers and cheerleaders usually avoided him like the plague, why would today be any different?

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