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Camila groans as she grips onto Lauren's hand.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Lauren whines as she keeps driving to the hospital.

"Goddammit, can this car go any faster!" Camila groans.

"We'll go over the speed limit," Lauren says.

Camila bites down onto her cheek probably breaking through her skin letting the blood pour out. Lauren finally parks in front of the hospital and motions for Zayn and Liam to help Camila out.

Zayn opens the door for Camila as Lauren and Liam help her out. They walk into the hospital, doctors, and nurses rushing to their side. 

"She's in labor," Lauren explains.

"Get her to the emergency room now, " A doctor says.

They strap Camila on and wheel her away. "Who's the father?" The doctor asks.

"I am," Lauren speaks up.

"Come with me," The doctor says not really wanting to question it.

Lauren puts on the necessary things and puts the face mask on. They enter the emergency room and Lauren rushes to Camila's side. Camila groans and motions for Lauren's hand.

Lauren takes Camila's hand in hers and the younger girl immediately grips hard onto her hand. Lauren soothes her out as Camila pushed harder. She takes deep breathes in and out.

Camila repeats the motion and soon they hear crying. The doctor in charge takes out the baby carefully and hands it to the nurse. The nurse takes the baby and exits the room.

Camila lets out a sigh of relief and Lauren soothes her hand. The nurse comes back with a small figure in her arms. She hands it to Camila, making the mother smile.

"Well it's a boy," Lauren smiles brightly.

"Noah Scott," Camila looks up at Lauren.

Lauren smiles and caresses Camila's sweaty forehead. "I like it," Lauren leans down and kisses Camila's forehead.

She looks at her baby boy and takes his small hand in between her fingers. Noah opens and closes his eyes turning to look at his parents.


Lauren opens the door slowly and walks inside. Camila is asleep so Colson, Liam, and Zayn step inside quietly. Lauren smiles and sets the vase of flowers down next to the table beside Camila's hospital bed.

Lauren sits down next to her and takes her hand in hers. Liam smiles and looks at Lauren.

"Where's little ass quicker?" Liam whispers.

Lauren laughs, shaking his head and looks up at her best friend. "First it's Noah and he's resting just like his mother," Lauren whispers.

"No, it's little ass quicker because he's gonna kick some ass like his mom," Liam whispers.

Lauren chuckles and looks up at Zayn. He shrugs and laughs. Camila stirs and opens her eyes slowly. Lauren smiles and stands up.

"Hi baby," Lauren whispers.

"Hi," Camila mumbles. She looks around the room and smiles at the boys.

They hear a knock at the door and it to reveal Camila's friends. Dinah walks in with a wide smile.

"Hi," She smiles, walking over.

"We will leave you guys to talk," Lauren smiles and motions for Colson, Liam, and Zayn to leave the room.

The rest of Camila's friends walk-in and Harry closes the door.

"It's been a while since we've seen you," Harry said.

"I can't go back yet," Camila speaks up.

"Yeah, so we came out to Tampa to see you and the baby!" Dinah jumps up and down.

Camila laughs, "Noah is resting in the pharmacy you can go tell Lauren to take you."

Dinah smiles and nods. They all walk out except for Shawn. 

"You're not going to see the baby?" Camila asks.

"Later I'll rather not leave you alone," He smiles sitting down next to her.

"Thank you," Camila smiles.

"I'm glad you made it out of that shooting," Shawn smiles, "When we heard we were really scared."

"I was scared at that moment too," Camila giggles.

Shawn laughs and the door opens.

"Sorry Lauren told me to come up here," Liam smiles.

"Come in," Camila smiles at the boy.

Liam steps inside and walks over. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm doing good," Camila smiles. "Liam I wanted to thank you for protecting me nine months ago," Camila thanks the boy.

"Anything to save little ass quicker," Liam smiles, "And you don't have to thank me, Camila."

"It seems the right thing to do," Camila smiles and squeezes the boys hand.

Liam smiles and sits down. "If it means protecting you while Lauren is gone then I won't hesitate to risk my life, Lauren has been there for me for so many years I'll do the same," Liam squeezes Camila's hand and stands up.

He opens the door and Lauren walks in. Shawn stands up and looks down at Camila.

"Oh, Lauren I don't think you've properly met, but this is Shawn," Camila smiles.

"Nice to meet you," Lauren shakes Shawn's hand properly.

"Nice to meet you too," Shawn smiles.

Lauren walks over to Camila and leans down, kissing the top of her head. "Everybody else is at the pharmacy if you want to see-"

"Little ass quicker," Liam cuts in.

Lauren gives him a death glare. "Noah," She corrects, and Shawn smiles.

Lauren nods towards Liam and Shawn says goodbye to Camila. They walk out and Lauren looks down at Camila.

"I don't know why he calls Noah, little ass-kicker," Camila giggles.

Lauren smiles and leans down, lovingly kissing Camila's lips. "Well he said Noah is going to kick ass like his mother," Lauren chuckles.

Camila smiles and caresses Lauren's jaw. "When will be able to go back to New York?" I ask.

"I don't know baby but don't worry about your parents I'm making sure they are well-taken care of," Lauren assures Camila.

"I love you," Camila smiles.

"I love you too baby girl." Lauren leans down and kisses Camila's lips tenderly, interlacing her fingers with Camila's.

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