Chapter 6

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The car stops and Lauren jumps out, fixing her hair. The group decided to go to the private beach Lauren owns to just relax. By the group, she just means Zayn, Camila, Dinah, Normani, and herself.

Lauren wraps her arm around Camila's waist and kisses her cheek. Camila smiles, cuddling up against Lauren. They sit down and set up everything. Zayn goes to the water with Dinah, Normani sits on the beach swing hanging by two strong trees, while Camila and Lauren are cuddling on top of a towel.

"Lolo," Camila speaks up.

"Yeah?" Lauren asks.

"We really needed this day off," Camila speaks up.

"Yeah, we really did," Lauren caresses her arm.

Lauren turns to Camila and connects their lips. Camila cups her jaw, kissing Lauren back. Lauren gets on top of Camila pressing their crotches together. Camila moans as Lauren starts kissing down her neck. She giggled and Lauren laughs.

She pulls away and lays her head down on Camila's chest. "I love you so much baby girl," Lauren whispers.

"I love you too," Camila whispers, running her hand through Lauren's hair.

Lauren lifts herself up and looks down, their eyes locked.

"Let me see," Camila whispers.

"What?" Lauren asks.

Camila's hand goes inside Lauren's shorts and puts her dick in between her legs. "You feel me?" Camila asks.

Lauren takes a deep breath in, feeling Camila's wetness. "Please tell me someone accidentally dropped water on you," Lauren whispers.

"If that someone was you then," Camila whispers.

Lauren clears her throat and gets off from Camila. She puts her dick back in her swimming shorts and helps Camila up.

"I can't fuck you just yet," Lauren whispers.

"Why?" Camila asks.

"You gave birth not long ago, I'm not going to hurt you," Lauren whispers, running her hands down Camila's magnificent body.

"Just be gentle then," Camila tries to convince her girlfriend.

Lauren shakes her head and plants a small kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back gorgeous," Lauren smiles.

She leaves Camila to be by herself and goes over to Normani and Dinah. "Hey Mani, hey Dinah," Lauren goes up to them

"Hi!" Both girls say at the same time. 

"How are you guys holding up?" Lauren asks.

"Absolutely perfect Laur," Normani smiles.

Lauren looks at their locked hands and smiles internally.

"You know Dinah was telling me about keeping her eyes on you," Normani's voice brings Lauren back to reality.

"Really?" Lauren chuckles.

"I'm just protective over her," Dinah nods towards the brunette that just got swung over Zayn's shoulder.

"I understand I would be too if she was my best friend," Lauren smiles.

She loves the sight of her girlfriend and best friend having the time of their lives. "I'll be back," Lauren speaks up after a couple of seconds of silence.

She walks over to the water right as Zayn and Camila fell in the water for Camila trying to wrestle out of his grip. Both pop back up the water and Lauren smiles at them.

"Hi, Lolo!" Camila chirps.

Lauren waves back and smiles. Camila waves her over and Lauren takes her shirt off. She goes in the water right where Zayn and Camila are at. Lauren picks Camila up bridal style and swings her back and forth.

She turns to look at Zayn and he smiles.

"This is really great," He says.

"Yeah, we have been under so much pressure," Lauren frowns.

"Well, we know what they're up to at least," Camila comments.

Lauren lands a smooch on Camila's cheek and rests her cheek on it. "Thanks to you, now we know who was behind everything," Lauren says.

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