Chapter 13

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Camila slaps Colson on the arm as the rest are getting prepared. Lauren is really bossy and its turning Camila on. So to get her mind off it she started talking to Colson. When Camila first arrived the two immediately clicked, Colson and Camila are literally so close you can't separate them just like Camila is with Zayn.

"Yo shouldn't you be getting prepared?" Colson asks.

"Nah I can protect myself I don't need to get prepared," Camila waves it off.

"Dude, teach me your skills with a knife then," Colson playfully pushed Camila.

"I don't wanna get cocky on all of you," Camila flips her hair.

Colson shakes his head, laughing. "Just do it, you won't be," Colson says.

"Alright then come on your my training buddy," Camila stands up helping the blond boy up.

Lauren looks over at the two very confused as they start moving stuff. Camila looks at Colson to see if he's ready. The blond boy nods and stands in position. Camila starts running towards him. Colson was going to pick her up and slam her down on the mat but the girl does a spin, she knees the back of his thigh causing him to stumble.

Camila wraps her arm around his neck, not putting pressure of course. Colson stands up, picking Camila's small body up and slamming her down on the mat. The both of them brawl for God knows how long until Camila gains strength and flips them around, she pretends to punch Colson and the boy pushes her off him.

Camila stumbles back and once Colson stands up he slams her against the wall. Camila struggles but wiggles out of his grip, she goes under him, grabs his arm, twists his arm, and flips him. Colson groans as his back hit the mat.

Camila brushes her shoulder and laughs. "Nice job blond boy," She helps him up.

Lauren comes over very satisfied with what she just saw. "Jeez, baby, where did you learn all of that shit?" Lauren asks.

"That? It was nothing," Camila brushes it off.

Lauren laughs and turns to Colson, "You did well too but damn you got your ass whooped, literally." Lauren turns to her girlfriend and smiles. "Now let's do it me and you baby," Lauren rolls her sleeves up.

Lauren stands in a ready pose and Camila holds her hunter knife in her palms. Lauren charges towards Camila and the brunette sticks her leg out causing Lauren to trip. The green-eyed girl stands back up immediately, and before Camila can bring the knife towards her the green-eyed girl kicks the knife from her hand.

The green-eyed girl ducks and kicks the back of Camila's leg, causing the brunette to stumble. Camila stands back up, trips Lauren over and goes on top of her. Both girls wrestle on the mat and Lauren ends up on top.

Lauren holds Camila's hands down and bites her lower lip. "I win," She whispers.

"Not really," Camila flips them around.

Lauren gets caught off guard as the girl stands up. Lauren swiftly stands up and catches her breath. "Wow you are one hard one to keep down," Lauren says.

Camila smiles and when Lauren charges, Camila moves to the side causing the green-eyed girl to stumble.

Lauren hits the mat, smiling to herself. Lauren stands up and grabs Camila's hunting knife. "Now let's see how you do when danger comes towards you," The green-eyed girl spins the knife in her hands.

Camila waits, Lauren slides, pretending to try and slit Camila's leg. The brunette jumps and steps down on Lauren's hand. She grabs her knife and moves away from Lauren.

Lauren laughs, standing up and charging at Camila. Camila slashed her knife through the air and Lauren does a front flip. She lands behind Camila and kicks her leg causing the girl to stumble on the mat again.

Lauren goes on top of her and maintains her grip on her hands. "Are you done?" She asks as the brunette struggles under her.

Camila arches her back, her abdomen hitting Lauren's forming bulge.  "I'm done," She whispers.

Lauren stands up and smiles, helping Camila up. "That was good," The girl smiled.

Camila cups Lauren's cheek, kisses her lips, and brings her lips to her ear. "I'll see you in our room," The brunette whispers.

Lauren watches the girl walk away and she looks at all her members. She looks at Colson who just laughs. Lauren shakes her head and picks up Camila's hunter knife. She puts it away and follows in Camila's footsteps going upstairs quickly.

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