Chapter 20

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Camila rubs her lazy eyes, fighting the urge to sleep. Colson comes back in with vanilla lattes. He hands Zayn and Camila one as he sits down next to Zayn. Camila takes a long sip from her latte and sets the cup down.

They all see Lauren move slightly and they all perk up. The green-eyed girl opens her eyes and looks around.

"Wh-where am I?" Lauren asks groggery.

"In the hospital," Camila stands up. She cups Lauren's cheek with a shaky hand and Lauren brings her cold hand up.

"Why are you shaking?" Lauren asks.

"Happy, scared, and cold," Camila whispers.

Lauren looks at Zayn and the boy takes off his jacket. He wraps it around Camila's petty body and sits back down.

"Are you still cold?" Lauren asks.

"Little," Camila smiles.

Lauren motions slowly for Camila to lean down and the brunette does it. Lauren connects their lips in a warm, loving kiss. Camila stomps her foot on the ground, letting out a small moan. Lauren pulls on Camila's lower lip, her hand trailing down Camila's magnificent body.

Camila pulls away and smiles. "You don't know how much I prayed to feel your warmth again," The brunette whispers, holding Lauren's warm hand which was cold, up to her cheek.

Lauren caresses Camila's cheek with the back of her index finger and smiles. "I'll always fight for my life for you and Noah," Lauren whispers.

Camila smiles and sits down, interlocking her fingers with Lauren's.

"Glad your awake boss," Zayn stands up with Colson.

"What happened?" Lauren asks.

"After you passed out, Austin's breathing stopped I could safely say Austin and his members are gone," Zayn smiles.

Lauren nods, opening and closing her eyes. "I told you I'll risk my life for you," Lauren looks at Camila.

"At least the danger has stopped," Camila whispers.

Lauren smiles and she looks towards the boys. "So Austin is dead huh?" She asks.

"Yeah I think you penetrated an organ or something, damn those hunter knives are sharp as fuck. I'm surprised it didn't penetrate nothing on you," Zayn says.

"Got lucky I guess," Lauren whispers.

Camila smiles, running her hand down Lauren's muscular arm. "Normani, Louis, and Liam are taking care of Noah," Camila informs the older girl.

Lauren nods and lets out a long sigh. "You should go to sleep," Lauren whispers.

"No, I'll rather keep watch on you," Camila whispers.

"I'll be fine baby," Lauren whispers.

Camila chews on her lower lip for a couple of seconds then nods in agreement. She lays her head down on Lauren's muscular arm and closes her eyes. Lauren bites her lower lip and smiles. She closes her own eyes falling asleep.


The next morning they hear a knock on the door. Lauren, who was eating her breakfast, raises her eyebrow in confusion. The door opens to reveal Louis, Liam and Normani.

"Hi!" Normani chirps. She walks over and hands Noah over to Camila. "Mila your friends are outside too and your parents, yours too," Normani informs the two girls.

Camila nods and stands up. "I'll be back baby," She says towards Lauren.

The green-eyed girl smiled and the brunette blows her a kiss. Camila goes out to the waiting lounge and smiles at her parents. The old couple rushed to her daughter pulling her into a hug, careful with the small boy in her arms.

"God I missed you guys," A tear falls down Camila's cheek.

"We missed you too," Her parents mumble.

They pull away and Camila comes face to face with the Jauregui's.

"We all knew Lauren would do anything to protect you," Michael smiles. He looks at Noah and Camila notices. She smiles and lets her, maybe, future father-in-law carry his grandson.

"Camila!" Zayn calls her in.

"Yeah?" The brunette turns around.

The English boy waves her over and she excuses herself. Camila walks over to Zayn and raises an eyebrow. "What?" She asks.

Zayn motions towards Lauren and she walks in.

"What's wrong baby?" Camila asks.

"I want you to listen closely," Lauren looks into Camila's gorgeous brown eyes.

"Shoot I'm all ears," Camila smiles.

"I might not be in a perfect condition, I for sure don't have a ring, I was going to do this in a couple of more days but this situation made me scared, so Camila Cabello, will you marry me? Be my wife, be my woman forever," Lauren rants.

Camila covers her mouth and chews on her lower lip. Camila nods rapidly, not being able to let out words at the moment. Lauren opens her welcoming arms and the brunette walks into her arms.

Lauren hugs the brunette back and pulls away, kissing her now fiancee's lips. Camila kisses back as Lauren pulls her as close as possible.

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