Chapter 18

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Colson and all the other cars stopped a couple of blocks away. Everyone got out, guns in hands, and following Lauren through the woods. Lauren saw a warehouse building up ahead and she ducked down.

"Okay," She whispers to all of her members. "That's the place up ahead, right?" She looks at Colson.

The blond boy looks down at his apple watch and nods. Lauren nods once and turns back to her members.

"Stay in groups never be alone, be safe, be strong, use your earpieces to communicate," Lauren explained.

Each member either nodded or said 'yes boss'. Lauren stands up and carefully slides down the hill, landing behind another big bush. Her members followed her and Lauren peeked out to see the enemy's backs turned to them.

"Five insight all turned away from us." Lauren motions for Liam, Louis, Colson, and Zayn to follow her.

They all take out their hunter knives and grab the five guys in a chokehold, stabbing them. They drag them away and Normani, Eva, and Danai come over, covering the bodies up.

The rest of the members sneak over and Lauren holds up her M4. Colson goes to the other side of the door, bringing his hand to the handle. Lauren holds up three fingers and counts down. Colson opens the door and points his gun up, seeing no one around. He motions for everyone to enter and everyone raised their guns covering every corner.

They hear voices down the end of the hall and they quietly walk over there. They duck behind a large wall guns close, knives ready. Lauren takes off the bag from her shoulders and opens it.

Some members grab the silencers, attaching them to their guns. Lauren turns to Robert, Andrew, Steven, and Dwayne. "Okay, you guys go back outside, keep lookout, take out and hide anybody you see," Lauren whispers.

All four members nod and go back the way they came from. Lauren turns to Tom, Chris Pine, Brad, and Norman. "Okay you guys take the west side to clear it out," She says.

All four men nod and head west of the warehouse. Lauren then turns to Chris Pratt, Chandler, and Jon. "You guys take the east, stay close it's only three of you, clear it out and confirm it in your earpieces," Lauren explains.

All three said 'yes ma'am' and left. Lauren looks at Danai, Eva, and Emily. "Okay you three, you guys don't need luck you all are skillful, go over and destroy anything that seems important, Colson gave you specific places," Lauren motions to the blond boy.

Colson hands Danai a layout paper and she takes it. All three girls take off to their destination and Lauren sighs.

"Okay we will have to separate, Jamie, Louis, Liam, and Normani you guys take south. Me, Colson, and Zayn will take up ahead stay in contact," She motions to her earpiece.

All four nod and take off south of the warehouse. Lauren turns to the two boys and nods. They start moving ahead until they see four enemies having a conversation, walking their way.

Lauren looks at the two boys and holds her hunter knife ready to attack. The voices near closer and once they are around the corner Lauren lunges forward grabbing one guy, holding him in a chokehold. Another enemy member shoots his gun but is cut short since Zayn slit his throat.

The bullet flies Lauren's direction and she uses the man she is holding as a shield. The man goes down and his other buddy raises his gun up but Lauren is quick to tackle him. Both tumble to the ground and Lauren starts throwing hard, angered punches towards him. The man is helpless and soon passes Lauren, lifeless on the floor. Lauren stands up and Zayn throws Lauren's gun. Lauren catches it and follows the two boys ahead.

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