Chapter 4

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Lauren, Zayn, Colson, Liam, and Camila all sit in the living room. They changed out of their formal clothes and into comfy clothes. 

"Okay information, what did you all collect?" Lauren speaks up.

Louis and Normani walk in after putting Noah to bed and sit down on the other couch.

"Okay so here's what I found out," Zayn speaks up. "I was dancing with the female host and I was being smooth about it, apparently George Clooney sold one million dollars worth of guns to Austin," Zayn explains.

"I found that out too with the male I was dancing with," Camila says.

"Colson, Liam what did you two found out?" Lauren asks the two boys.

"Well with Liam's great lock picking skills we entered the office of George Clooney and in the computer, Liam found a video of the night we got attacked," Colson explains.

"It looks like George Clooney was part of it or at least gave the guns and everything to break down our gates and run us out of New York," Liam says.

Colson motions for Liam to take out his phone to show the others the photos he took of the files.

"Apparently on this document, it says that Austin broke our window that night to give us a warning and that there were people spying on us. Apparently, they put a camera in our house to keep track of us, the camera had audio so they knew when you were going to be out of the state," Liam directs to Lauren.

"And once they knew that I was gone they attacked the house to kill all off you so I could be weak and without a gang to fight back," Lauren says.

"Exactly," Liam confirms.

Lauren takes a deep breath. "What else did it say?" She asks.

"Well, they also attacked us while we were sleeping because they wanted to kidnap Camila to lure you in," Colson explains.

"They knew if they got to you they will get to me," Lauren turns to Camila.

Camila cups Lauren's cheek and caresses it. Lauren turns to everybody else and lets out a long sigh.

"Okay continue," Lauren motions for Liam and Colson to continue.

"So Colson and I believe Austin is seeking vengeance and power," Liam explains.

"Wait this Austin guy wants power and revenge?" Camila asks.

"Yeah, why?" Liam asks.

"Did you find something out that connects with this?" Normani asks.

"With what Liam just said, yes," Camila confirms.

Lauren turns to Camila with a concerned look. "How?" Lauren asks.

"The male I was dancing with," Camila says.

Everybody turns to Camila, giving their full attention to her. Lauren interlaces their fingers together as Camila clears her throat to tell her information.

"So I was asking the male what was he doing at the ball and he said that they weren't only celebrating on the big deal for the guns but they were also celebrating that they ran you guys out of New York," Camila explains.

Lauren widens her eyes, "What else did he say?"

"He said he wanted revenge because you shot him in the leg and killed his best female gang member, wha-what was that about?" Camila turns to Lauren.

Lauren looks at Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Normani, all four knowing what Camila was talking about.

"Well," Lauren begins. "We found out that the Reapers broke one of our safes from one of our lands and burned one million dollars, that money was meant to pay the government official that came to your house," Lauren turns to Camila.

"What happened next?" Camila asks.

"Well one of their members got left behind and we held her up for ransom, once the deadline came we waited for them for 500, 000 thousand dollars, the other half we will get it by selling drugs," Lauren explains.

"What happened at the trade-off?" Camila turns to look at the others.

"Austin tried to play dirty and tried to shoot Lauren, he missed so Lauren ended up shooting his leg, and yeah," Liam explains.

"Oh..." Camila trails off, taking on the information. "At least he missed," Camila kisses Lauren's jaw.

Lauren wraps a comforting arm around Camila and smiles. She kisses Camila on the forehead and rests them together.

"Damn glad he did baby girl," Lauren whispers lowly for only Camila to hear.

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