Chapter 9

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Lauren walks downstairs to see her whole gang huddled up.

"What are you guys chatting about?" Lauren asks.

"Some new intel," Liam says.

"Go ahead," Lauren motions for him to go.

"Austin Mahone will be holding a fancy party in a couple of weeks, something about testing his new weapons," Liam explains.

"Where?" Lauren asks.

"Chautauqua County, New York," Liam confirms.

"Okay," Lauren nods her head and turns to Normani. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess," Normani nods.

Lauren smiles and they hear the wood squeak from the stairs. All of them turn to the sound to see Camila coming down the stairs with Noah.

All of the gang members coo, while Lauren rushes to their side.

"Morning," Lauren smiles.

"Morning baby," Camila brings a hand up to Lauren's cheek.

Lauren takes Camila's hand in hers, kissing her palm.

"Can you hold Noah? I need to go do something," Camila whispers.

"Sure baby girl," Lauren smiled, taking the infant in her arms.

Camila goes on her tippy toes, plants a loving peck on Lauren's lips, and goes upstairs. Lauren turns to her members and they coo making the leader blush hardly.

"Shut up guys, you guys are gonna figure out how to get us in that party," Lauren says.

"Fine Colson, go," They all turn to the blond-haired boy.

"Bitches," He says and everyone laughs.

Lauren looks upstairs and goes up. She hears noises coming from her and Camila's room and she furrows her eyebrows.


"No Mami I don't know when we're coming back," Camila spoke into the phone.

"Mija we need you in the bank not hiding out over in Florida," Her mother explains.

"Mami I'll love to come home but right now it's not safe I need to take care of my family now," Camila said, "And even if I do come home I'm helping Lauren end-all of this I don't want my son knowing that his mother didn't do anything for his safety."

"Your one brave young woman baby," Sinu says.

"I got it from you mamita," Camila smiles.

The door opens and Camila sees Lauren. "I have to go mami, te amo," Camila said into the phone.

"I love you too baby," Her mom says and hangs up.

"Everything okay baby girl?" Lauren asks.

"Perfect baby," Camila smiles.

Lauren nods and hands Noah over to her. Camila takes him her arms and turns to Lauren.

"I know you want to return to New York, trust me I do too, and the gang, but your safety and Noah's is our number one priority," Lauren whispers, "I will die protecting you if I had too."

"You won't die because I need you, we need you," Camila whispers.

"But if I do, if I die protecting you, I don't want you to blame yourself for my death, I risked my own life to save yours, because that's what love is, protecting." Lauren cups Camila's cheek as she starts a slow caress.

"What about your gang what will happen with them?" Camila asks.

"You're the woman of my child, my girlfriend maybe will be my wife, so the gang, all my money, everything I own will be yours," Lauren smiles.

"I'll treasure it," Camila whispers.

Lauren smiles once again and kisses Camila deeply. She holds her baby boy in her arms as her lips move perfectly in sync with her girlfriend's lips.

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