Chapter 8

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Lauren lifts Camila so her head is resting on the pillow as she thrusts her shaft in and out of her, moaning. Camila grips hard onto her reaching her max for the second time that night.

Camila flips them and goes down to Lauren's sex. She starts pumping up and down, hard. Lauren let out a series of moans cautious of her sleeping boy. Camila starts sucking Lauren's dick and her load of white liquid squirts inside Camila's mouth.

Camila swallows her cum and licks her lips, "Not bad." Camila helps Lauren up and sits her down on the chair. Camila puts Lauren's hands behind the chair and she lowers on top of Lauren's big shaft.

Lauren bites her lower lip to sustain a loud moan. Lauren groans resting her forehead on Camila's shoulder. She feels that she's hitting all the right spots which causes her to moan loudly.

Right before Camila can release her liquid Noah starts crying. Both parents look over at his crib and Camila gets off Lauren's lap.

Lauren bites her lower when she sees her shaft slide out of Camila. Camila picks up Noah and starts breastfeeding him.

Lauren stays seated on the chair and wraps her hand around her shaft. She stands up and wraps Camila and her baby boy in her arms. Lauren presses against Camila making the younger girl smile.

Once Noah is done eating, Camila burps him and he falls back asleep. Lauren smiles and lays down on the bed. Camila lays down next to her and cuddles up with Lauren. She holds her breath in when she feels Lauren's sex on her's.

Lauren caresses Camila's arm kissing her forehead. Before both girls could fall asleep they hear a scream downstairs.

Lauren sits up in alertness and grabs her shirt. She puts boxers on then joggers and she opens her bedroom door. Lauren runs down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What happened?" She asks kneeling down next to a bleeding Normani.

"I fucking cut myself fuck!" She cries.

Lauren helps her up and helps Normani sit down on the couch. Lauren goes to the nearest bathroom and grabs the first aid kit.

She opens it and grabs the gauze and stitches. Lauren kneels down and starts stitching up the wound.

"What are you doing late at night with a knife?" Lauren asks.

"I was dicing fruit for a late-night snack don't fucking judge," Normani keeps her calm as the needle goes in and out.

Once she's all stitched up, Lauren grabs the gauze and wraps it over the wound.

"You should really be careful," Lauren smiles once Normani is all patched up.

"Sure will, that hurt like a bitch," She whines and stands up. "Thanks, Laur now I'll just leave you to fuck Camila."

"Wait how did-" Before she could finish her sentence the dark-skinned girl already disappeared upstairs.

Lauren smiles to herself and walks back to her room. She opens the door to see Camila already fell asleep. Lauren smiles and takes her shirt off.

She lays down next to Camila hugging her from behind. She wraps her arm around her shoulder and takes her hand in hers. She interlocks their fingers, caressing the side of it. Lauren closes her eyes letting her tiredness take over her.

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