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2 years later...

"Luna Michelle Jauregui Cabello!"

Lauren hears her office door open and she puts her pen down. "Hi, sweetie," Lauren smiles at her 2-year-old.

"Hi, momma!" Luna waves.

Camila runs into the office making Luna hide under Lauren's desk. "I'm sorry," Camila catches her breath.

"What happened now?" Lauren asks her wife.

"She threw her peas on the floor," Camila says breathlessly.

Lauren turns to look at her 2-year-old under her desk and smiles. "Come," She pats her leg for the 2-year-old.

Luna stands up and sits on her momma's lap. Lauren wraps her arms around her 2-year-old so she doesn't fall. "Listen to me baby girl," Lauren touches her ear, "I know you don't like eating peas, but do you want to know why you need to."


"Because when your momma was little she didn't like eating her peas either but Abuelita Clara said if you do you'll be rich and strong, see," Lauren flexes her arm.

"Wow!" The two-year-old awes. "I'll be rich and strong like momma?" Luna asks.

"Yeah, baby so this time don't throw them on the floor," Lauren boops Luna's nose and smiles.

"Okay, momma!" Luna gets off her lap and stands in front of Camila. "Mommy, can you give me another plate?"

"Of course baby go with your brother upstairs I'll prepare you guys dinner I need to talk to your momma," Camila smiles.

Luna leaves the room and Camila closes the door. "Did Clara literally told you that?" Camila laughs.

"No," Lauren chuckles going back to work, "I loved eating my vegetables."

"You're disgusting," Camila laughs. She sits down on Lauren's lap and kisses her jaw. "Is Noah's party done preparing?"

"Yeah Normani is all done planning," Lauren wraps her arms around Camila's waist.

"Good!" Camila smiles. "Are we doing date night?"

"If I can get my mom to take care of the kids," Lauren writes down on her paperwork for the bank.

After they got married both Lauren and Camila became in charge of the bank. Lauren mostly makes sure that the security is high level and everything is secured so she can take care of other things. She still runs The New Era which is what she is always doing, out of the two, Lauren is the busiest but she still finds time for her family.

"Well I'm going to go make them dinner so they can be full, I'll be ready by 7," Camila stands up, kissing Lauren's cheek.

"Okay," Lauren smiles at her, and Camila exits. Lauren turns back to her paperwork, smiling to herself.


Camila finishes up her makeup as Lauren is downstairs with the kids. "Okay, your mommy and I will be out on a date, you're staying with Abuelita Clara, alright? Behave for her and Noah take care of your little sister and if you're going to stay up late with Tio Chris make sure you take her to the restroom before she goes to bed, " Lauren says.

"Of course momma!" Noah smiles.

Lauren stands up and yells up for Camila to hurry. The green-eyed girl takes the kids out to the car as Camila locks the front door. The ride to Clara's house didn't take long so when they got there, and the front door opened the kids cheered. Taylor kneeled down and embraced the two kids.

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