Chapter 10

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Next couple of weeks we're The New Era preparing for this party being held. They are entering a dangerous zone and Lauren needs to be prepared tot everything. Lauren really thanks her father a lot.

Ryan, Dwayne, Andrew, Norman, Chandler, Steven, Jon, Chris, and Jamie are very skillful and powerful. Danai, Eva, and Emily will have to be one of the most powerful women she ever had in her gang, along with Normani and a couple of others.

Lauren sets down the planners on the table and pistol bullets to mark. "Okay here's the plan, we don't have masks this time so keep your heads down. Most likely everyone knows our face, if someone remembers you, quietly knock em if you can," Lauren explains. "We will all have guns with us, hidden of course."

"How about knives?" They all turn to the doorway.

"Camila, what are you doing here?" Lauren asks.

"You guys seem shocked, have you ever seen movies? People always have knives hidden too," The brunette ignores Lauren's question. She comes over and pulls out hunting knives.

Lauren looks at her girlfriend with a shock expression. "Where did you get these hunting knives?" Lauren asks.

"You never noticed I had them?" Camila giggles. She hands each member a hunting knife. She turns to Lauren and holds one up. "My dad gave me these he said they can penetrate any organ, they are very sharp and very strong," Camila explains.

Lauren takes the outstretched knife and smiles. "Why are you giving us this?" Lauren asks.

"Because if everything goes wrong with your hidden guns you the have the knife pulse I want to come with," Camila smiles.

"This is a dangerous mission, we are running right into enemy territory and this time we don't have masks to cover our faces if one person knows us and tells Austin we could fall right there," Lauren explains. "I need you to stay with Noah."

"Baby I want to go, I know the dangers, but I want to do this."

Lauren looks at all her members and back at Camila. She wraps an around her shoulder, kissing her forehead. "Okay, you can do this with us, " Lauren whispers. "But stay-"

"Close to you all times, I know baby." Camila pecks Lauren's lips once and rests her head on Lauren's chest.

Lauren caresses Camila's arm and turns back to the plans. "Alright so now we have these hunting knives. Camila last time you went with us and you got the biggest intel. I don't know if Austin knows you but I need you to get close to him again."

"I got it," Camila nods.

"Okay good, but wait, baby, who's going to take care of Noah?" Lauren asks.

"I don't know, who are you taking?" Camila asks.

"Oh yeah about that, I need to tell you guys that," Lauren says. "Colson, Louis, Liam, Chris P, Tom, and Eva, you guys will stay here." The members nod, leave the room, and Lauren turns to the rest. "The rest of you are coming with me, Zayn and Normani you're in charge of taking care of Camila," Lauren says.

"Of course boss," Both said.

"Dwayne, Robert, Andrew, and Steven you guys are on watch, warn us if you see anything suspicious," Lauren says. "Danai and Emily you guys are sneaky I need you to figure out what these weapons can do."

Both girls nod and Lauren explains what everybody else will do for this mission. Once done, everybody leaves and Lauren rubs her temples.

"It's going to be okay."

Lauren nods and kisses Camila's hand lovingly.

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