Chapter 25

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Lauren paces back and forth, nervous up to this point. It's weird, the green-eyed girl is never nervous but today she can't control her sweating, her rambling, her pacing around, she can't control anything.

Normani walks in and stops. "Woah okay hey, it's going to be okay Lauren," Normani stops the girl from pacing around.

"Wh-what if she dips on me? What if-"

"Don't start with what if's, and why would Camila ditch you, she loves you," Normani assures her. "Now come on you have to be at the alter."

Both girls walk to the alter and Lauren gets into position. With Camila though she is very jittery, the girl can't wait to hear 'you may kiss the bride' and Lauren's lips connect with hers.

The door opens and in walks Dinah, being Camila's maid of honor. "Come on its almost time, your dad is waiting," Dinah smiles.

Camila stands up and pats down her dress. "How do I look?" Camila asks.

"Beautifully," Dinah smiles. "Before you go I just wanted to say that it's an honor being your maid of honor, there's no doubt that you would've gotten married but it's still a shock when the moment got here, I love you Camila and I'll always be here for you."

"Aw D!" Camila hugs the taller girl, "I love you too!"

"Okay now let's go, babe," Camila smiles.

Both girls walk out and Alejandro perks up. He bites his lower lip to sustain tears. "Ready honey?" His voice cracks.

"Papa don't cry and yes!" Camila smiles.

Alejandro holds his arm up and Camila loops her arm with his. Soon the door opens and everyone turns to look at them. Camila looks up at the alter to see Lauren's green eyes staring at her. Once they reach the alter, Camila turns to her father and smiles.

"I love you munchkin," Alejandro's voice cracks.

Camila's hand goes up and wipes the tear that fell. "I love you too papa," Camila smiles. Camila kisses her father's cheek and walks up to be in front of Lauren.

The priest walks up and soon the wedding is in session. Everything went perfectly well and soon the two girls are ready to say their vows. The priest turns to Lauren and motions for her to say her vows. Lauren takes a deep breath and takes both of Camila's hands in hers.

Her eyes lock with Camila's feeling her nerves soothed. "When I first met you our family history was horrible. My family didn't like yours and your family didn't like mine. Although when I first saw you I could tell you weren't like your family. You were innocent. You didn't know anything about our family history. Me although, I knew everything when I first found out a Cabello bought one of my houses I felt annoyed. But when we started getting to know each other and getting closer I saw that the Cabello's weren't as bad. When you said that you were pregnant with Noah I have never felt so happy in my life. I've always wanted a kid, I didn't expect getting married until now but it feels amazing especially with a woman like you." Lauren brings one of Camila's hand to her heart and smiles. "Nobody has made me feel like this and I won't mind feeling it for the rest of my life," Lauren bites her lower lip.

Everybody watched in awe, some letting a tear shed.

The priest then motions to Camila and the brunette keeps her hand on Lauren's heart. "I didn't know much about you in the very beginning but I couldn't deny that you were beautiful, you are. I fell for you way too easily which was very hard for me to do. I've never felt a passion so strong for someone that it was insane, I didn't know what to do, but it felt amazing being with you. When I found out I was pregnant I felt so happy that it was yours but I felt nervous to tell you because I didn't know how you felt towards the topic. I'm glad you wanted to have children because I finally found someone that was worth my while and worth my love, I love you, Lauren. I always will and nobody will be able to take that."

Everybody touches their hearts warmly as the priest calls for the rings. Sofia walks down the aisle as she holds the rings up, the priest blessed Lauren's ring and Lauren takes it afterward. “I give you this ring as a symbol of our love. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you,” Lauren slides the ring in Camila's finger.

"Bride, do you take this woman to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Camila smiles.

The priest grabs Lauren's ring, blesses it, and hands it to the brunette. Camila turns to Lauren and smiles. “Let this ring be a symbol of my promises to you and a reminder of my devotion to you.” Camila slides the ring in Lauren's finger and the priest turns to Lauren.

"Bride, do you take this woman to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Laurens nods happily.

"I now announce you, wife and wife, you may kiss the bride," The priest smiles.

Lauren pulls Camila closer to her and connects their lips together. Everybody cheers, clapping as the two girls' lips move against each other. Lauren pulls away, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too," Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck.

Lauren holds her arm out and Camila loops hers around her now wife's arm. They walk down the alter, Camila, taking Noah from Clara's arms and into her own. They walk to the Mercedes, entering the black car and on their way to their honeymoon.

"Are the luggage in the back Alfred?" Lauren asks the older man.

"Of course Mrs. Jauregui everything is ready," Alfred smiles at her through the rearview mirror.


Lauren exits the Range Rover as she's in front of her Spain house. Camila hands Noah over to the green-eyed girl as she herself gets out of the car.

Alfred takes out the girl's bags and sets them down inside the house. Lauren fixes Noah on her hips, taking her sunglasses off. "Sweet Spain home," Lauren smiles turning to her wife.

Camila smiles and kisses Lauren on the cheek. "It's beautiful," She hides her face on Lauren's shoulder.

Lauren smiles, motioning Alfred over. She hands Noah over to him and she picks up Camila bridal style. Lauren walks them over to the living room and lays them down on the couch.

Lauren kisses Camila on the lips and sits down. Camila sits up and takes Noah from Alfred. She sits him on her lap and kisses his temple.


Lauren and Camila watch the TV as they eat their dinner in the living room. Lauren finished her last portion of her food and lays back. She wraps an arm around Camila's shoulder as the girl lets out a laugh, continuing to eat.

Once the brunette herself is done she looks up at Lauren, biting her lower lip. She takes her wife's hand in hers, locking their hands tight. "Uh, baby..." Camila sits up.

Lauren looks down at her wife, "What's wrong?"

Camila takes out the pregnancy test and hands it to Lauren. The green-eyed girl takes the stick and bites her lower lip. She puts the test down and kisses Camila on the forehead. "Another kid huh?" Lauren smiles.

"Yeah," Camila returns her smile, kissing Lauren on the shoulder.

"Hopefully this one is a girl," Lauren laughs.

"Oh god please!" Camila giggles.

Lauren kisses Camila on the cheek, cuddling against her.

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