Chapter 22

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3 weeks later...

In the next couple of weeks, were Camila and Lauren preparing everything for the wedding. Lauren and Camila sit down on the table in the bakery. Right now they are currently picking designs, flavors, and everything necessary for the cake. Luckily Normani is their wedding planner since she is really good at that. The dark-skinned girl sits down in front of the two soon-to-be-wives.

"Okay the baker is grabbing the samples but for now let's pick out your design," Normani opens her wedding planning binder.

For the next hour or so the two girls decided between the three design choices.

"We should go with the second design," Camila looks at her fiancee.

Lauren rubs her chin, smiling afterward, "I guess so baby."

"Second design," Camila looks at Normani.

"Okay I got it," Normani jots it down and picks up all of the designs. She comes back, this time with the baker, and the samples. "Okay, so we have three samples this first one is a classic fudge chocolate cake," Normani hands the two girls the sample with forks.

"I don't like chocolate Mani," Lauren looks at the girl.

"Oh shit true my bad okay," She takes the sample, "Next one is pink champagne flavored cake."

Lauren and Camila taste the sample and look at each other. "It's not that bad," Lauren nods.

"Yeah, I agree," Camila nods.

"Okay the final flavor is red velvet," Normani says.

"Winner," Camila smiles.

Lauren smiles and kisses her fiancee's cheek. "If she wants it than we get it," Lauren smiles.

"Red velvet it is," Normani smiles, jotting it down as well. "Okay now the baker will take care of the rest, you can go do your cute couple stuff."

Lauren and Camila stand up, walking out of the bakery. "So what do you want to do?" Lauren asks her fiancee.

"Uh, I don't know baby what do you want to do?" Camila asks.

"We can go home, watch a movie, cuddle with Noah," Lauren suggested.

"That sounds good," Camila cups Lauren's face, resting their foreheads together. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too," Lauren pulls Camila closer to her by the waist.

"Oh, honey look at that such a beautiful young couple," An older lady comments.

Lauren and Camila look at them, smiling brightly. "Thank you so much," Lauren smiles.

"Are you guys married?" The male asks.

"Soon to be, were planning it," Camila cuddled against Lauren.

"Awww you guys are so young and so in love, that was like me and you, honey," The male turns to his wife.

"I know honey I hope you guys are happy together," The female says and the older couple leaves.

Lauren turns to Camila and smiles. "They are adorable," Lauren whispers. She tilts her head to the side, connecting her lips with Camila's.

Camila smiles against Lauren's lips kissing the older girl back. Lauren pulled Camila close as possible embracing her woman. Camila giggles cuddling against her fiancee.

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