Two: Leaks

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The two figures stood on opposite sides of the room, watching each other through tense eyes. Nightmare's gaze followed Killer's hand, as it slipped a smaller knife into his hand from the sleeves of his jacket. The man wanted to roll his eyes. Did he really think such a weapon would kill him so easily? And why did he keep knives inside the lining of his sleeves?

"Do you usually keep weapons inside your clothes?" Nightmare implored, trailing his eyes back towards the brunette's bewildered face.

"Sometimes, I guess".

"Interesting" Nightmare nodded, taking in this information with a tone of questioning, wonderment, "Now, come a little closer so we both can get this over with".

"What are you going to do?" Killer asked anxiously, inching closer to the man.

"It won't hurt that much" Nightmare hesitated, "think of it as a shot at the doctors or a friction burn on your knee".

"Uhhh... that's okay, I guess... but what are you going to do? I don't care how painful it is".

"Something that will benefit us both greatly" Nightmare answered with intimidating confidence. The kind of confidence that demands obedience and compliance. It resonates with you, making you feel certain.

"So how long will it t-" Killer was cut off suddenly by a black tendril wrapping around his soul. It poked and prodded, each movement sending a sharp burning pain down his spine. Without warning, it shot right through the center of his soul, making him gasp in unregistered pain. Black dots danced around his vision, unconsciousness teasing him. He could no longer feel the pain in his soul, body, and mind.

Through the pain, Nightmare's voice rang clearly, "I couldn't help but notice how something seems to be changing in your soul. It would take painfully long to complete so I'm speeding it up for the both of us".

Killer attempted to curse the man out like a sailor, yet only a string of unintelligible words left his mouth, hissing in agony. Nightmare watched unabashedly at the human writhing in pain.

Once again, through the inner pandemonium, Killer could hear the voice of Nightmare slicing through his thoughts, "Don't get my intentions wrong, this is to benefit both of us. I don't have time to lounge around waiting for your little change to finish. As to how this benefits you, I bet that you don't want to feel like you're constantly about to drop dead from a heart attack, correct?"

Killer wanted to scream at the bluenette, but deep down he agreed with him. It was beneficial for both of them so it was only natural. He was being irrational.

When Nightmare took notice of Killer's breathing becoming less erratic, the other's eyes cleared up, and he stopped thrashing in pain, he spoke "I, Nightmare, formally welcome Killer into my team".

After a moment of tense silence between the two, Nightmare continued speaking, voice firm with authority, "As soon as you get yourself together we'll depart".

Killer let out a sigh of relief, all the pain subsiding into a dull ache in his soul that radiated throughout the rest of his body like a bruise. Yet, he could not bring himself to stand, for the man standing in front of him seemed angered. Had he perhaps inconvenienced him?

"What are you waiting for? I don't have all day".

Killer mumbled a quiet sorry before slowly standing, taking in the chance to let his eyes graze over the place he once called home, soon to be a distant memory. He could see the memories, Papyrus chasing him around with a spatula demanding he clean his room, yet Pap's soft smile told him he was merely jesting. And to believe he would be leaving this all behind left no sour taste in his mouth. It was the price to pay for sinning.

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