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Several days had passed since Killer taken hostage. The man was glaring at his clock as it ticked loudly.

Now that he had a good portion of his emotions back, he found boredom to be very.. boring? He found this emotion is particular hard to describe.

He found himself pacing his room or staring out his window. He was slowly beginning to regret his decision coming here willingly, but he needed to escape with Cross.

Speaking of Cross, he had not been permitted to see Killer until today. This was a safety measure Ink had taken incase the two escaped together, they had to make sure Cross was serious about joining them.

Cross of course, had an intention of escaping alongside Killer.
Cross knocked on Killer's door before entering. He was glad to see the room was rather comfortable. Of course it is! As rude as the Stars were, they seemed too nice to do anything too harsh to Killer. Hell, he doubted they would kill a fly.

"Cross!" Killer gasped, "Please don't tell me I'm dreaming!".

"You're not dreaming, we're getting outta here soon" Cross whispered, although he was shocked to see the other talking so emotionally.
He expected Killer to be cold and distant when he entered.

"Oh thank goodness! Ya know I was seriously regretting coming here!" Killer whispered excitedly, "I might go insane if I stay here for more than another week!".

Cross chuckled at that, "I plan on escaping today, don't worry".

Killer's usually pitch black eyes had a small pupil in them, his soul was shaped slightly differently. Instead of a target it was a messy upside down heart with several layers.

"You've changed quite a bit" Cross admitted.

"You bet I did!" Killer winked and did some finger guns to emphasize his point. He looked rather silly, but Cross assumes that was the point.

"You, Killer, are one weird human" Cross face palmed, amusement laced his voice though.

"You aren't wrong" Killer shrugged, acknowledging the fact that he indeed, was quite weird.

A comfortable silence befell the two. They enjoyed each other's presence, Cross especially, who never knew this side to the usually quiet, cold, distant, and rather emotionless man. Hey, he had a thing for positive people, don't go around telling his boss though.

"Alright then, what's your brilliant idea to get us both outta here?" Killer raised an eyebrow.

"It's simple really. Nightmare really was right, although the Stars act all tough and scary, they're too new to the bad cop role to have done a proper pat down!" Cross rolled his eyes, "I managed to sneak in a remote of sorts".

Cross pulled out a small remote with three buttons. One blue, one green, and one purple.
"The blue button means that I had infiltrated the Stars successfully, green means I'be found you and that they should arrive soon. Purple is that I've been compromised. I can't teleport out of timelines so Nightmare said to stay here and hold our ground as they arrive, which shouldn't take too long" Cross explained, obviously proud he'd managed to fool the Stars.

"Why can't we just escape now?" Killer pointed out.

"Ah, my friend, that is because Nightmare wanted to cause a ruckus. He still wants to leech off their negativity. He said it's because they're usually so positive!" Cross explained, his expression looked sour.

"Damn! Even when I need to escape he complicates things" Killer sighed.
Killer, while away for so long, missed home- the mansion. He couldn't imagine himself anywhere else, minus killing some people.

The two struck up a casual and very nice conversation revolving what's been going on in each other's lives.
Cross had found out that Killer's emotions had been removed and that he slowly was gaining them back and how he'd made Color bring him here.
Killer learned that Cross was a great listener and questioned his skills, at which Killer told him he was bloody fantastic.

"Aight" Cross said as he stood up, "I better get going now. It's getting rather late and I don't want them questioning why I was in here for so long".

Killer nodded and watched as the monochromatic man shut the door behind him. He sighed and took a seat on the ledge of his bed.

His entire body ached and his mind was a never ending storm of doubts and worries. Pain was something quite new to the man, only experiencing mental anguish. While he had to admit, mental pain definitely left more of a permanent mark on his entire life, physical pain didn't but oh boy, did it hurt like a bitch while it lasted.

He groaned as he threw the covers over himself, expecting to be abruptly awoken in a few hours.

His dream was so weird. He was sitting on a bench, the sky was dark and never ending, it looked rather frightening. No stars. The only light was a small, floating, fluorescent tube above him, which cast a(n) harsh artificial light.

He then noticed a man sitting besides him. He wore a cloak and had a huge scythe laying next to him. The man had an abundance of skeleton imagery on him.

"Who are you?" Killer asked cautiously.

"I'm as some people would call, Reaper" the man answered blankly as if he'd had this conversation several times and found it dull work.

"Reaper? Like a Grim Reaper?" Killer asked exasperated, "Am I dead!?".

Reaper simply chuckled, amused at Killer's dramatic reaction. "You are not dead.. yet. I'm going right to the point here so stick with me for a second. You're in for one hell of a day today, I'm not going to lie. I'm just going to give you one piece of advice; you should watch your back starting now" he advised.

Killer blinked, his brain clearly not working at the moment.

"But- Wait! Did you just imply that you're watching my life and that I might die?" He asked.

"No response, I'll be going now" Reaper grinned as the scene melted with the pitch black sky as a scream echoed somewhere in the distance.

The darkness wrapped around him, slowly creeping it's way up until it stabbed his eye. He screamed.

Killer jumped out bed, he was sweaty and the air felt like ice against his skin.
What the hell kind of dream is that? He asked himself, maybe I really am going insane!

He walked towards his mirror, rubbing his eyes. He looked tired and slightly un-nerved. His eye bags looked dangerous and his skin was a sickly pale.

"I think I'm in for some hell tomorrow" Killer chuckled to himself as he grabbed his hair in fistfuls.

"I might just snap!".

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