nine: new

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Killer was laying on his bed, playing with his kitchen knife. It had been a month now, and no word from Nightmare and the group.

Although, the crippling feeling of something cold and sinister loomed over their new household. It freaked Color out.

Since then, Color restricted access outside, only going out strictly for necessities. He never let Killer go out though, he was on what he called "house arrest".

This decision only elevated Killer's curiosity and caused him to sneak out quite frequently.

Whenever he snuck out, he could see the sky, littered with beautiful purple and blue galaxies and a never ending splatter of glowing stars. He recently started sneaking around more frequently as he had made another friend. A friendly lad named Outer.

He told the stupidest puns and was always listening to his endless ramblings. It was reassuring to have someone who wasn't cold or creepy listen and give advice.

Tonight, the two were sitting on a ledge of a cliff nearby Killer's residence. The sky looked more sensational than it usually did. Tonight was special, he could feel it, maybe tomorrow would be as well.

It brought a feeling of hope, maybe the worst had passed and things were slowly getting better. Hopefully, he would see his friends at the mansion again soon.

"Hey Killer?" Outer said, his eyes focused on the sky above him, yet fully aware of Killer's presence.


"If you ever go back to wherever you came from, would you visit me?" Outer asked. He turned his gaze towards Killer.

"Of course, I already sneak out every night to talk to you, what difference would it make? I just need to figure out how to teleport across timelines" Killer replied, smiling.

"That's reassuring, I really hope you can return home. Being here must suck, you must be homesick like hell" The Stary man mumbled.

"I mean, I'm sure they all care for me. The only is that I haven't heard from them since I arrived here" Killer signed, enjoying the crisp cold air.

Outer did as he did, staring at the other's eyes, "I really am glad you came here. I love my brother but sometimes I appreciate company of another. It's always nice to have something or someone new".

"I'm glad I came here as well" Killer grinned.

"I know you are, I can be quite out of this world" Outer grinned.

"That was stupid and you know it" Killer punched his friends shoulder playfully.

"You know it was a good joke".

The following morning Killer stared at his knife, his thoughts returning to what Outer had said last night.

"It's always nice to have something or someone new". His voice rang throughout his mind.
Killers gaze landed on his knife, which lay beside him. It was his only possession from his timeline, it meant so much to him, yet it carried so much pain and suffering.

"Maybe I need something new" he muttered to himself as he placed in his cupboards. He didn't plan on ever opening it again. It would be lost in the test of time sooner or later.

As he shut the cupboard, his mind went haywire. His life flashed before his eyes as he heard the subtle 'click' of the cupboard shutting.

"Yikes, what the hell" Killer rolled his neck.

As sudden as it was, he felt much lighter and free. His senses worked much better, he hadn't even realized they had dulled until they sharpened again. He also felt more sensitive, like crying and laughing at the same time. How odd, no?

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